Inertial thrust thoughts

Brian Davies ( (no email) )
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 01:48:23 -0000

Hi all,

As a departure from O/U from hydrolysis (it was only to illustrate the
principle that O/U is most likely readily achievable) .. here is a thought
regarding a possible mathematical solution to the principles of inertial

If you take a base frequency and add to it the next multiple of that
frequency .. but phase-shifted by 90 degrees.. and add to that the next
multiple phaseshifted by a further 90 degrees and keep on going...
plot the above as a graph.. and look at it as vectors of momentum.. mapped
onto a circular path.. and you'll notice a distinct overall vector in the
direction of the 3/4 wave-length energy spike.

This would give a net thrust in a given direction (if anyone is interested I
will dig out and e-mail both the planar and circular-mapped diagrams to
them) it shows that the principle of inertial thrusters or an imbalance in
inertia/reaction is theoretically readily achievable.



PS.. for those that want a formula... try the following (based on radians);


Although the above formula has only 12 components to it.. it should be
apparent that all elements counteract each other except at x*3/4 wherby the
energies all combine to produce a cumulative peak. This process can be
extended indefinitely to any number of base frequency multiples... and if
the resultant waveform is projected onto a circular path then there is a
significant polarisation to the direction of the thrust.
As an interesting side-thought.. this may also provide a technique for
introducing large energy discharges at specific points while producing
little energy disruption upto the targetted point of release.. this may have
potential applications in disrupting tumurous cells without affecting
neighbouring healthy tissue.. just a side-thought..... it does also lend
itself to negative applications on a larger scale.. but that is not my area
of interest..

As per my previous posting.. if this idea has already been covered.. please
accept my apologies.

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