Air ship reports

Slavek Krepelka ( )
Mon, 03 Jan 2000 13:37:20 -0500

Hello all.

Reading throught the air ship reports prior to wright brothers and with
the little in the way of descriptions of their principle of levitation,
it draw a question of: "Has anyone ever built a capacitor designed as a
false monopole?"

The idea is to build a capacitor in a shape of a balloon or a zeppelin,
where one el. pole is inside, in the centre of the body and the other
pole on the shell of the ballooon or a zeppelin. Something like closed
Layden jar might do as well. The charge magnitude and surface to weight
ratio should be important in levitating strength. Polarization would
give the dirrection of levitation, either up or down.

As I understand it, the reports say that the propulsion was achieved by
fairly standard engine means. It was the levitation, which was not

The water consumption would probably be justified for engine coolant and
battery acid evaporation.

This is just a thought. Excuse me if it is imbecile.

Regards Slavek.

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