Re: BioEnergy, Healing, Gravity - Related?
Sun, 2 Jan 2000 02:46:50 EST

Hi Jerry et al:

Jerry wrote:
>>I've been checking out your website (which, BTW, is very
informative) and need to congratulate you on this page;

It offers the clearest description of how the inert gas
beams manifest that I've ever seen. Most people just point
the thing and SAY you should be able to feel the
energy...I've never been able to and relegated it heretofore
to a 'lack of sensivity' from my 4th generation Texan
redneck genetics..<g>..

4th Generation Texan redneck genetics - does not necessarily lead to lack of

The subtle energy emitted by an inert gas tube in a magnetic field of a
permanent magnet, is just that - VERY subtle. I too, at times cannot easily
feel the beam emitted from a metal tube, at high pressure (300 psi) in a weak
magnetic field.

There are several reasons for this - one is that I have observed some sort of
aetheric "weather" - where at times the local conditions seem more "hardened"
- and therefore the subtle energy is dampened. You can duplicate this
hardening by filling the test area with some serious negative emotional
energy - as in a loud (real) shouting match between two angry individuals -
I'm not saying you should start a bar fight in your lab in the name of
discovery - but I found this by accident.

The opposite is also true - you can "liven" the local aether with positive,
peaceful, uplifting emotional energy - and the beams are much more
"detectable" in these conditions.

My own study of this energy, found early on that some of the methods for
"excitation" specified by the original source, were not the best way to
generate an intense beam. But that they were the best way to insure that
minimal or no harm could come from misuse or over use of this energy. Almost
like a bit of a red herring was introduced in the info - so that only those
serious about pursuing and understanding it would see the relevant "keys" in
the info - which were "hidden in plain sight" but not obvious at first.

>>But now with your indication that the beams emanate FROM THE
MIDDLE OUTWARDS, I'll have to try it again. I felt nothing
from the ends of tubes charged with upwards of 300 psi yet
I've seen people hold their hand on the end and claim they
felt heat.....yeah...uh, rights, I should have
did a blind test making the 'sense' it through a wall book
or something where they would not know the location of the
beam, but I didn't want to be confrontational in the

But I think in future, I will definitely question such
claims and make them prove it not only to us but to
THEMSELVES as they are either deluded or hypersensitive or
just wanting to believe...that is just the kind of approach
I think everyone should take when people claim to experience
such effects from crystals, pyramids, these inert gas tubes, is certainly testable and people balk or become
offended, then to my view, they KNOW they are faking it and
don't want to be so clearly exposed....just tell the truth
and let's cut through the crap...<g>..

The energy actually emanates onmidirectionally from the gas atoms - I presume
in a spherical manner. But it seems that a magnetic field - refracts or
reflects some of this energy in a manner that results in a "beam" which takes
the shape of the expanding magnetic field shape at the ends of the magnet,
when the gas is placed in this "cone".

I have surmised that the reason for this may be that the aether flow (which
is a magnetic field) through a magnet acts as fluid flow through a venturi -
with the corresponding changes in density/pressure, and velocity as in fluid
flow. If this is true, then there would be a possible reflection of these
wave motions from the boundary layers between regions of differing aetheric
density/velocity. Normally this wave motion passes through the aether/matter
quite easily, but the ideas of boundary layer reflections make sense - as in
how sound waves reflect from layers in water. (also a good conductor seems to
"capture" some of this energy and it then can flow along this conductor - so
a metal tube may not be the best container to create a "beam" - and in fact
subsequent use of glass tubes at low pressure give substantially stronger

Myself and my early associate did perform blind tests on ourselves, and found
that as we became "attuned" to this energy - we could sense a beam or an
excitation from any direction - in the next several rooms. This sensing was
a whole body feeling or more centered in the head, as opposed to the direct
sensing in the hand in the more concentrated area of a "beam".

The simple copper tube method, needs to use a very strong, specific shape
permanent magnet to get a good "beam" for initial sensing. that is why I am
recommending Alnico - 1" dia x at least 3" long. This will give a flux
density on the order of 1,000 to 1,200 gauss at the pole face, and the proper
shape of field through the short container. If you use a ceramic magnet -
the flux density is typically only a few hundred gauss.

I also discovered that container shape (and material) is VERY important. A
large surface area vs. volume container gives a more intense "beam". For
example after we initially made the copper tube containers, we obtained a set
of "spectrum tubes" from Edmund scientific - each containing one inert gas.
These were made of soda glass, and had electrodes at the ends. The electrode
region was 1/2" dia, and the center section had a capillary tube of only 1 mm
ID - to concentrate the plasma for spectrum measurement. While these tubes
were at significantly below atmospheric pressure - when the above alnico
magnet was placed at right angles to the capillary tube, an extremely intense
"beam" was felt - (with no plasma)

And when we got the 5 kV power supply for these tubes, and energized the
plasma, the resulting "beam" from the same position was unmistakably felt by
almost all who placed a hand in it. AND we quickly found out that these
intense beams could cause an overdose of this energy - quite rapidly!

We realized there was more than just one "quality" to these beams. There was
an intensity, and a volume. The intensity is like voltage or pressure, and
volume is like current or flow. Intensity was related to the excitation
level or amplitude. And volume was related to how many atoms were stimulated
into releasing this energy.

Mind you all or most of our "measurements" have been of a subjective nature
thus far. Except for the definite bio effects and "healing" effects - some
of which are very substantial.

And further when we made some considerably more powerful electromagnets and
gas tubes with plasmas, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that there is
an energy there - for example - a large pancake electromagnet using 2" x
..037" copper strip - 200 ADC @ 200 turns - gave a field of over 5,000 gauss
and could deflect a compass at 20 feet - along with a large helical xenon
flash tube from an old ruby laser - (used for optical pumping of the ruby
rod) - it's power supply = 5,000 volts through 450 microfarads, with
appropriate triggering - gave flash energies approaching 15,000 joules - (for
reference a typical photoflash produces 20 to 50 joules)

Combining these two gave bursts of this energy which were very substantial -
and unmistakably "felt". (don't go out and play with this - there are some
serious dangers that we were unaware of at the time - we have to learn more
about how to safely harness this energy before going back to such high
excitation energy)

(an interesting side effect of exposing ourselves to a several week daily set
of experiments - was that we could "sense" or became attuned to normal EM
radiation - we went to a local very high tower on the observation deck, and
just below are a bunch of radio and microwave antennas - transmitting at 50Kw
or more - and we could feel a condition not unlike an inert gas beam over
dose in a few minutes; and a few days later I had occasion to see a dentist,
and required a full scan dental xray - where the device rotates around your
head, to take the xray - and while it was exposing me- I could "feel" it and
it was not pleasant - I assume these incidents were due to some kind of
sensitizing that occurred from our constant exposure to this Primary Energy -
as when we did not do the beam exposures this "EM sensing" disappeared)

I do intend to put all this info in the website - just been too busy lately -
and i have to condense much info into a coherent form - relaying these
advanced ideas/findings to another researcher took me several months, and
over 300 pages of letters.

>>Anyway, back to your website and this particular page.

You keep referring to LOWER PHASE. Which definition of
phase are you using?

I admit this is confusing. I am not using the term "phase" in the same sense
as most use it. I am continuing to use the original terms used by M.B.
Cooke, and I have assumed there is some corollary to this term - but as I am
using it LOWER PHASE simply means the lesser, or more attenuated, or lower
intensity, or "partial unmasking" form of this energy. The lower phase is
relatively easy to achieve and results in the healing or bio effects.

THE HIGHER PHASE refers to a fully unmasked condition, which would then give
rise to gravity, matter formation and modification etc.

There may be a certain amount of that "hidden in plain sight" key info here -
by the use of the term phase - he may be hinting that the difference is
merely a coherence or resonance situation, and not one of intensity. But
that is a speculation on my part.

I believe that with any "revealed" info like this, that the conduit or
channel, may not fully understand or grasp the nature of the info - as it is
"filtered" by his/her own mind. So whenever possible I like to use the
original terminology - in case the "coding" will be seen by another and
correctly interpreted.

Indeed the more I read of others findings and works in similar areas, I
believe that resonance and coherence is the key - not brute force. My
granite block "push" result may have actually come close to or momentarily
achieved a full unmasking - and if it did not self extinguish - may have been
quite disastrous - at worst vaporizing me and a few square blocks, and at
best releasing some ionizing radiation, and accelerating the 2 pound block
through several walls with the resulting ballistic destruction.

>>To my view of your excellent drawings the PHASE, if its
wavelengthe would be 180 degree phase shifted because of the
LENGTH of the tube, where a wave would travel from one end
to the other, then reflect to cancel in the middle,
indicating a true SCALAR process which would emanate from
the middle as you portray.

It makes more sense to envision it as a disk that radiates
from the middle and I have no way of indicating it is TRULY
a beam as you draw it. I guess my question is, do you have
any idea WHY it forms a beam at the specific point?

I mean if you view it as a circle around the middle of the
tube which would represent a scalar DISK, you indicate a
beam and what determines at what phase the beam would
emanate...such at 90/270 or 0/180 or any other two opposite

Interesting observation/postulate - maybe some of what you say is the reason
we found certain shapes work better than others

By the way, for me personally, the best way to make a beam for healing
purposes is to use a spherical "flask" of very pure inert gas, and a rare
earth disc magnet. The flask is available from specialty gas sellers and is
sold to the neon sign industry for installation in a glass manifold for
filling neon tubes. It is soda glass, and as such VERY fragile. 1 liter of
gas at atmospheric pressure (about the size of a 1,000 ml boiling flask), and
a 1" dia x 1/4" samarium cobalt magnet placed at the outer surface of the
flask - the "beam" again takes the shape of a flashlight beam as if the
magnet face was the bulb/reflector. And if you take a 50 kV tesla coil and
place the flask next to the output terminal and cause a plasma discharge in
the flask - for a minute or so, BEFORE you take the flask and place the
magnet next to it - the "beam" is considerably stronger - and this "Tesla
Effect" works for other glass tubes as well - and lasts for some time after -
eventually decaying back to normal levels.

>>It is very interesting. One other follows
that the more of these beams you have focused on a given
region, the greater would be the effect.

Joe Parr and Dan Davidson have done experiments with
pyramids and other shapes which show that the energy emitted
from one pyramid is the same no matter what the size! That
means that the more of these structures, whether pyramidal
or whatever, the more intense will be the energy accumulated
and focused.

I'm sure you catch the full meaning..................and
won't elucidate here just yet...<g>....

Yes, more on the interesting results of focusing many beams together from
specific geometric shapes - later. Suffice to say some actual measurable
results occurred with a set of experiments here - affecting crystal growth
from a saturated solution placed at the focus of several beams and left
overnight. (and the hand sense in this arrangement is most unmistakable -
AND you can feel a distinct difference when all north magnetic poles are
facing inwards, as opposed to all south poles inwards - one feels warm and
compressing, and the other feels cool and expanding) (and this one I can feel
from several rooms away whenever it is activated - and blind tests of the
compressing and expanding feeling were done - as they were electromagnets and
a reversing switch, with a neutral off position was used - so one person
could attempt to fool the feeler as to which polarity was facing inwards - no
mistaking the feeling by either of us!)

I hope this helps somewhat to answer the questions you pose. Once I have a
lab set up again, I have no problem with others attempting to do blind tests


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