Re: Bessler Wheel

Rain Jarvelaid ( )
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 12:25:33 +0200

On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Hi Rain,
> What happens if your wheel rotated the other direction? The weight
> swings out and gravity pulls it down, the leverage would make it easier
> to pull the weights that are closer to the inside.
> Happy Holidays,
> Don Carlson

Hi Don and others!

Yes, that might be a bit better idea even. I also did such an animation too,
but it wasn't that good.

I actually have even MUCH BETTER design (had a vision just half an hour ago) for
possible gravity-driven wheelwork, but it takes some time to get animation
done. It is related with several-wheel system, each wheel with different
excentric mass and different rotation frequency and all synchronised with heavy
pendulum which actually defines the whole system's speed. Pendulum is driven by
crankshaft system similar to Besslers and is connected to biggest wheel. All
wheels are connected to eachother by mutual gearsystem. It could be done so,
that there is one horisontal big synchronising wheel on the ground with several
gear-paths on it (like grooves on grammophone record, but actually a toothed
grooves). The biggest wheel (all wheels except syncronizing wheel rotate on
vertical plane) with heaviest excentric is connected to the groovepath closest
to synchronizing plate's center, the smallest is connected to the most outer
track on sychrowheel.

(Ahh! Thats what those pillars with different heights are on Bessler's picture
- gears with different circumference (different number of tooths) in a side

Wheels rotation speeds and masses make up a harmonic system by saw-tooth signal


In the initial state all masses on each wheels are on their extreme left
position (at 9 o'clock) and pendulum is in down dead center.
Due to the gravity and our initial push to the pendulum the excentric weights
on the gears are trying to fall down, but each with different speed according
to harmonic law. When Biggest weight is at down dead center, the pendulum is in
its rightmost extreme position. Now, when the biggest weight has to go up by
the right side of the biggest gear, the pendulum actually assists it, because
when the biggest excentric is in its biggest anti-torque point (at 3 o'clock),
the pendulum has reached the 6 o'clock position again, but now has the maximum
speed and kinetic energy, which pulls the biggest excentric up with the gear.
All other gears meanwhile rotate a lot more (when the biggest gear makes 1
turn, the smallest makes 7 turns), but all the excentrics are at the LEFTMOST
position ALWAYS TOGETHER and at this point the overall torque to the system
(generated by the gravity PLUS the kinetic energy of the pendulum because at
this time pendulum has its maximum speed again) is MAXIMUM. At the right side
of the gears the excentrics never form such a formation according to the design
of this apparatus.

If this thing works, hopefully we dont have to pay for electricity any more
and I could get finally my own private house to live in... ;-)

Happy Holidays to all!

-- -----------------------------------------Rain Jarvelaid, Artec Design GroupE-mail rain@artecdesign.eeTel: +372 6 710 974, GSM: +372 50 83554

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