Frank Earl ( )
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 12:13:48 -0600

"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

> So you think Linux is impervious?...<g>...I'll bet I know a
> couple of guys who could sneak something in on you if they
> computer or platform is impervious as so many
> have found who posted the challenge for any hacker to break
> into their 'new' security system.

Did I say it was that? I merely stated that it was more
resistant to the BS than other, less well-thought out OSes.

I _know_ nothing is impervious- I used to show that to the
college IT staff on a weekly basis at my alma mater before
I got a little too sloppy and they figured out who in the
hell was snooping about in thier machines... :-)
(Ended up having a nice long (45-min to an hour) chat about
nosing about in machines that didn't belong to me with the
director for IT. Suffice it to say, I didn't do THAT again)

Anyhow...Merry Christmas, everybody!

-- Frank Earl

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