Mills Update

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 01:20:52 -0600

Hi Folks!

The following update on the claims of Randell Mills was sent
in to post to the list, first is my reply, followed by the
Hi *****!

Thanks for the info...I've not seen this thing about
'orbitspheres'....I have been tracking Mills for years now
and still there isn't anything commercially available or for
testing...wonder why that is??

I also have noticed how someone will come out with a claim
of a new something or other, then after years of it not
coming through, they 'expand their repertoire' which is what
Mills is apparently doing..

Maybe he has something but I wish they'd just get that thing
on the market in some kind of kit or device that could be
purchased and tested before jumping into all kinds of other

A very disturbing pattern that I've seen happen with
many...I'll post it to the list and see if anyone has
additional information.

***** wrote:
> Hello Mr. Decker,
> Hope this isn't junk, or you haven't seen it yet.
> I read your discussion group periodically and thought you might be
> interested in this link:
> I saw it referenced at
> Here's a sample from it:
> Dr. Randell Mills says he can change
> the face of physics. The Scientfic
> Establishment thinks he's nuts.
> ...
> Randell Mills, a Harvard-trained medical doctor who also studied
> biotechnology and electric engineering at the Massachusetts
> Institute of Technology, says he's found the Holy Grail of
> physics: a unified theory of everything. A central part of
> Mills's theory explains the basis of the traditional, and
> paradoxical, "duality" concept of the electron as both a particle
> and a wave with a model where electrons are charges that travel
> as two-dimensional disks and wrap around nuclei like fluctuating
> soap bubbles. He calls them "orbitspheres."
> Mills says that with this new understanding he's produced clean
> and limitless energy and an entirely new class of materials
> and plasma that will reshape every industry in the coming decade.
> Mills also claims breakthroughs inartificial intelligence,
> cosmology, medicine, and perhaps even a form of gravitational
> jujitsu.
> Best regards,
> ****** ******

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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