Re: How Much of Modern Physics is a Fraud?
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 18:49:26 EST

Hi Folks,

I came across this site some time ago, and marked it as interesting, and=20
forgot about it. It now appears to have a great deal of relevance. It is=20
most interesting reading.

How Much of Modern Physics is a Fraud?

Here is an excerpt of a section called:

"Atom Bomb: Proof of the correctness of modern physics? Or merely=20

<<In the popular mind, there is a firm link between Einstein and the mushroo=
cloud, encouraged by mediocre education, media, and science writers. For=20
example, I remember being assured by a biology experimenter that e=3Dmc squa=
is =93commonsense=94. Although there are a few opposing voices, for example,=
C P=20
Snow=92s essay on Einstein, which explicitly stated there was no connection,=
most people think that the sort of thing they=92re told is physics=97vague=20
speculation, impenetrable mathematics, paradox=97led to the atom bomb.

The thesis of this piece is that, in fact, the invention of the atomic bomb=20
was almost entirely empirical. Fairly simple new concepts of the nucleus,=20
electrons, neutrons, atomic weights etc. sufficed. Specifically, =91e=3Dmc=20
squared=92, quantum ideas, uncertainty in measurement and the more elaborate=
mathematics had no effect on the discoveries leading to the invention; these=
discoveries each came as a complete surprise. The link with =91modern physic=
is a myth.

[Note on words: because scientific understanding has (so far) been=20
incomplete, there=92s no firm line between empiricism, which is something li=
trial-and-error, and science. Empiricism means something that works, even if=
it=92s not understood. Consider metal smelting:=97before the discovery of ox=
oxides, and so on, metals were made by recipe: you mix reddish ore with=20
charcoal and make the mixture hot, and out comes iron. Or consider=20
electricity generation:=97this looks much more scientific, far more than (sa=
a windmill, but arguably is just as purely empirical: Faraday found that a=20
metal thing moved in a magnetic field gives an electric current=97nobody kno=
why=97and this is what a generator does. Technology may be scientific, or it=
may be trial-and-error, or a mixture: thus crystallography theory is mostly=20
scientific, while flight is mostly experimental technology, and weather=20
forecasting is a mixture based at present on incorrect theories of air/water=
behavior. I haven=92t attempted here to define these terms precisely; the po=
is, important discoveries can be made by pure chance.] >>



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