Re: 3d pattern of infinity-not new - Buckminster Fuller!
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:26:28 EST

Hi Jerry, and all,

Oops! I failed to see the important distinction that you point out. Though
I must say Fuller's "Synergetics" has a lot of really advanced stuff - some
very difficult to get a grasp of, and some mentioned only briefly - I wonder
if some things Bucky said in there might be relevant to this idea?

So this 3d pattern idea - is a way to encode, or model unique outcomes, from
only a few basic "building blocks"? Does this 3d pattern idea give "order"
to chaos? In other words - one small change creates a totally unexpected
outcome, but uses a repeating structure to get there? (and appears to say
that this only works with a triangular basis - as Bucky often stated - the
universe is based on a 60 degree relationship, i.e. triangular, as opposed to
square) Interesting possibilities.

If the author of that message would like an exceptionally good geometric, and
mechanical CAD program with direct 3D modeling that is easy to use and very
powerful - try Varicad:

This is a really excellent CAD package that is simple and intuitive to use,
and very powerful, even with modest horsepower under your monitor (pentium
200 MHz). It is complete and integrated - both 2d and 3d drawing, and no
additional modules required to do the fun and interesting stuff.

And there is a downloadable, 30 day free trial of the fully functional
version. (beware however, it is from a European source, and the English
manual is severely handicapped in clarity and grammar - some trial and error
is necessary at first to learn it; and it assumes you know how to draw with
CAD, and are familiar with the terms common to most CAD systems)

Perhaps If the author of this idea could make a 3d image to demonstrate,
simpletons like me could get a better grasp.



PS: This kind of "networking" or discussion group is a great way to learn;
when one accidentally misses, or glosses over something potentially
important, another can point it out and offer an alternative perspective! As
well as exposure to a multitude of alternative and congruent perspectives!
We all owe a great deal to Jerry for this forum! (maybe this is obvious to
others, but I just wanted to say it anyway)

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