[Fwd: Another T.O.E. with Some Evidence, using Aether, Waves!]

SWB ( dev@icx.net )
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 03:20:48 -0500

Not to burst anyone's bubbles; but there really is hardly anything
'scalar' or mysterious about the physical effects of sound pressure
energy on water, as demonstrated on these web pages.

Coming from the perspective of one who has been both an industrial
nondestructive testing technician, and medical ultrasonographer; I
believe I can speak from quite a bit of technical know-how.

Many Ultrasonographers, are really not much more than glorified digital
photographers. Coming from an industrial background, I had to learn, and
apply much more of the theory toward the job of dealing with the effects
of the energy input, and the subsequent diagnostic information gleaned,
from the energy returned to the detecting devices.

If you thnk about it, those pictuers are really just depicting a
'realtime' 3D version of an oscilloscope.

You will note that the multiplicity of colliding circles, which are
conjoining to form shapes; are merely a result of 'ringing' (or
sympathetic vibration) within the glass of the container. In one picture
they even 'drew in' for us, the echo's of the circular container; in an
a misguided attempt to identify the odd shapes created as 'structures'
in some physical sense; rather than the 'humps of water' that they are.
If these were 'structures in the sense implied; they would be formed in
any container, of any size or shape or construction material, or wall
thickness. But, I can guarantee you, that is simply not the case. Cut
the container in half and submerge it in a large pool, and they will
disappear all together; because the energy escapes and dissipates. Or,
make the container of Jell-O, and the findings will be drastically
different, when most of the wave energy is absorbed.

Just make one side of the container out of much thicker glass; and you
would then find that the 'structures' would be drastically shifted to
one side; and it would take a higher 'energy input' to produce even a
fraction of the effect.

Colliding waves of energy are used in many technologies. Steerable radar
from a fixed antenna, for one. I use it every day in the form of a
'range gated' steerable doppler ultrasound beam.

DMBoss1021@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I got an E- Mail suggesting this site as expanding on the idea that Reality
> may be based on a Wave Phenomenon. It suggests that there must be an aether,
> and that matter, etc., is a wave phenomenon within that aether, which can be
> derived from Maxwell's Equations. This has many parallels with ideas that
> Beardon proposes (i.e. we have incorrectly interpreted these equations, and
> other important results/concepts)
> If you are interested in this "Harmonics Theory", I suggest starting here:
> http://www.kcbbs.gen.nz/users/rtomes/rt-intro.htm
> The entire site may be worthy of study, it is quite large. But for the
> relevant TOE, follow the (NEXT) buttons for 3 or 4 pages, then also check out:
> http://www.kcbbs.gen.nz/users/rtomes/rt-osc.htm
> This "Harmonics Theory" lends support to Wagner's W-Waves, and the
> theory/postulates outlined in my Primary Energy site:
> http://hometown.aol.com/dmboss1021/NEWPH/Index.html
> There appears to be some congruence among these ideas, in many areas of the
> world. The correlations are, in my opinion, significantly adding up.
> It appears as a somewhat abstract or intuitive observation that the ideas of
> SCALAR waves; W-Waves; and this "Harmonics Theory", and perhaps the Primary
> Energy [waves], are all rudimentary grasps of a new, more complete "model" of
> the universe. (which is additive to our current accepted
> knowledge/theory/models, not necessarily detracting from them)
> (Or am I just getting carried away with wishful thinking?)
> (note: this "Harmonics Theory" seems to correlate to Keely's work in a
> significant way? - though I have only a cursory knowledge of Keely's work)
> Sincerely,
> DMBoss1021
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