Re: Chronovisor?/reply

Theo Paijmans ( )
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 23:52:50 +0100

Hi Jerry and all,

You are right of course. While it is a common known fact that Blavatsky, Steiner,
Scott-Elliot and god knows who from the theosophical and anthroposophical quarters
claimed to have travelled astrally (and thus composed or concocted, what one
likes, a history of mankind, the world, Atlantis, Lemuria and whatnot) to distant
era's, it is quite something else to interpret this as time travel.

As for Edison; a wrote in my book on Keely that he was a theosophist, but other
than that I do not think that he was involved in a secret project of building time
machines for Blavatsky (hey! What a great idea for a book, hehehe!). As for Keely;
this beats me too....


Theo Paijmans

"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> Received notice of yet another book claiming time travel,
> but the author slipped up bigtime even in the press
> release...
> -----------------
> It sounds intriguing, no details of the mechanism and it
> lost it completely with the following new age drivel;
> > Peter Krassa illuminates his thesis with sparkling accounts of the life and
> > achievements of such FELLOW TIME-TRAVELERS as Madame Blavatsky, Rudolph
> > Steiner and Thomas A. Edison, and some others not quite so well-known, such
> > as the controversial free energy inventor/genius(?) John Worrell Keely....
> In all the documents I have ever read by any of the
> aforementioned people did they remotely suggest or state
> that they had travelled in time, mentally or
> physically....just more new age junk latching onto time
> travel in hopes of sales.
> Perhaps this monk believes he really did it and the author
> just hooked in his own interpretation. Depends on how much
> detail is provided about the machine that could lend itself
> to experiment and possible replication.
> > information--including a 30 percent Pre-Publication
> > Publisher's Discount, good till December 15, 1999--visit
> > us at
> >
> > The Creation and Disappearance of the World's First Time
> > Machine
> >
> >
> > Translated from the German by Miguel Jones
> > Official Publication Date: February 15, 2000
> > Illustrated
> > $16.95
> > ISBN 1-892138-02-6
> >
> > Blavatsky, Steiner, Spalding, Strieber--all claim to have
> > peered into the mists of the past or future and to have
> > penetrated into mankind's origins and his destiny.
> >
> > In the middle decades of our century, an Italian
> > Benedictine monk claimed to have made just such a journey.
> > His name was Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti. He was a
> > priest and scientist and musicologist, one of the world's
> > leading authorities on archaic music. He claimed to have
> > yoked the insights of modern physics to the ancient occult
> > knowledge of the astral planes to build, in secret, a time
> > machine--the chronovisor. He asserted that, using the
> > chronovisor as his eyes and ears, he had watched Christ
> > dying on the cross and attended a performance of a
> > now-lost tragedy, Thyestes, by the father of Latin poetry,
> > Quintus Ennius, in Rome in 169 B.C.
> >
> > Many have disputed Father Ernetti's claims, regarding
> > which the Benedictine monk fell strangely silent in the
> > last decade of his life. They say this distinguished
> > scientist-priest was not telling the truth. But why would
> > the brilliant Father Pellegrino Ernetti, so accomplished
> > in other fields that his counsel was sought all over
> > Europe, be driven to such a fabrication?
> >
> > This American edition of Father Ernetti's Chronovisor,
> > translated from the German, contains the first translation
> > ever out of Latin of the text of Thyestes which Father
> > Ernetti claimed to have brought back with him using the
> > chronovisor. It, and other newly-discovered documents,
> > contain astonishing revelations. They make it impossible
> > to dismiss the claims of the strange, tormented and
> > brilliant Father Pellegrino Ernetti.
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker -
> from an Art to a Science
> Voice : (214)324-8741 - FAX : (214)324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716
> Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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