Re: Some comments

SWB ( )
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 09:23:19 -0500

Hi Jerry,

The first question that comes to mind, about Mr. Pantone's dilemma is:

How is that legally possible for someone to get a patent, on someone
else's invention, that was demonstrated to him so many years ago?

It really isn't, according to patent law.

The way it reads, is that you have one year to file for a patent, from
the date that you first make your invention known to the public. After
that, it is in the public domain, and even the inventor has lost all
rights to a patent on that device.

Unfortunately, if Paul did not document the demonstration properly, or
have the observers sign a nondisclosure agreement, then he is up a creek
legally; as even he is past his bar date for filing on his own
invention. And, if the infringer challenges him in court down the line,
Paul will lose.

Even if he doesn't want to go to court, Paul may be able to dispense
with this whole thing, with a sufficiently nasty letter from his lawyer,
and by sending a copy of the documentation to the guy's patent examiner.
That guy's patent may be revoked, or he himself may relinquish it out of
a fear, and a guilty conscience.

I would be happy to discuss this at length, (from my layman's point of
view), off the list, with anyone who is interested.


"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> Had one guy demand to be removed from the list after reading
> my NASA comments rather than discuss, argue or express his
> own opinions...interesting approach saying that 13 billion
> is only 1% of the national budget...what that comment has to
> do with repeated failures by NASA escapes me.
> Anyway, got a call from Paul Pantone, inventor of the GEET
> combustion process, a couple of days ago saying some guy
> from Yale, who had been invited with representatives from
> other universities back in 1993 to witness a demonstration
> of his early GEET device, had filed for and won a patent
> based on a simple version of Pauls demonstration back then.
> Paul is not happy AND RIGHTFULLY SO, because the guy ripped
> him off, then entered his model in some kind of Disney
> competition for ground breaking new technology or such and
> Typical of academics and I've seen the same attempts when
> approached by so-called investors...they take you out to
> dinner and pump you for information that they hope is
> sufficient to run with and capitalize on. Got that down
> pretty pat these days as to recognizing a scamster offering
> promises for technical information.
> The late Jerry Gallimore was ripped off more times than he
> could count by letting people get him drunk then pumping him
> for information...he loved to draw diagrams on napkins as he
> did for me when I got him drunk...just kidding.
> I saw him sitting in the bar of a local hotel, at a
> conference in Irving back around 1986..he was on his first
> drink so I ordered a beer and we talked for about 2 hours
> until his (then) honey came in and took him off to his
> room...but he drew a little diagram on a napkin of what he
> said was a scalar detector that looked like a version of a
> wheatstone bridge. He told me he liked to talk and so had
> lost a lot of his inventions and discoveries while being
> plied with drinks by what he found out later were
> scamsters. A shame, Jerry was a good guy and should have
> had a lot more opportunities than he got. His sister,
> Sandra has taken over his copyrights and is working with
> Borderlans to republish his books on 'Transverse
> Paraphysics' and the 3 volume set 'Handbook of Unusual
> Energies'...check out to see if
> they have them for sale yet...excellent books...Jerry told
> me that his finest work was 'Transverse Paraphysics' that it
> had the gist of all that he had learned in his lifetime of
> research.
> Pantone says he's not worried as he has gone FAR beyond that
> early model so it will take them years to catch up because
> they don't have a clue as to what is actually going on. I
> think thats great that Paul and Molly are continuing rather
> than getting into a mud slinging fight that would bog down
> his expansion.
> Also got a call from Dean Stonier who was coming back
> through Dallas from his trip to Houston to setup his Global
> Sciences Congress that will take place the week of March
> 2nd.
> Its the first time Dean has held it in Texas and I hope he
> makes a profit...all the GSC conferences I've attended have
> been well done and have such a family atmosphere. In fact,
> Dean is the inspiration for our local Roundtable that ran
> for 8 years until I got burned out on might want
> to check out his website at;
> I never met ANYONE who was as organized as Dean except maybe
> Steve Elsewicke of Exotic Research at
> . Steve also has a yearly
> conference you might consider attending, he is doing what he
> can to offer a venue for Tesla oriented alternative science
> researchers.
> Dean has had many excellent speakers and a few
> was there I met and viewed Earl Schlictig and his heat pump
> engine that ran from the temperature differential in the
> room air. Earl was an amazing man and to this day, I don't
> think anyone has funded him...such a simple device that
> would run continuously and with torque proportional to the
> temperature difference. He said it would run on as little
> as 3 degrees F. and I saw the thing work so have EVERY
> confidence in him....he does have a patent posted in other
> emails to this list.
> Another fellow Dean had as a speaker was Dr. George Friebott
> who had borrowed an interesting engine from a farmer in his
> area. It produced incredible thrust using compressed air at
> around 15psi. The stage consisted of several large carpet
> covered wooden rectangles about 1.5 foot high. They were
> all pushed together to form the stage. George had this
> small hand machined engine (about 12" X 8" X 8") sitting on
> one of the platforms. When he applied compressed air at
> 15psi, the thing started moving across the floor due to the
> vibration and the intensity of the stroke..when he increased
> the air up to 25psi, the thing moved much faster and pushed
> the stage sections was incredible because of the
> low air pressure...geez, we breathe with that much
> pressure...George gave a talk on this highly efficient motor
> and about Teslas claim to use liguid ozone extracted from
> the air. I'm not sure as it was years ago, but I think he
> said this motor used the same principle which was why it had
> so much torque.
> One of these days, KeelyNet will be in a position to host a
> conference here in Dallas, but it will be quite different
> from the majority of other conferences since our focus will
> be on working devices, not just theories. At the rate we
> are going, it could be a long time if thats our primary
> criteria.....<g>...based on the slow advances to date, but
> there are some things in the works that we'll know about
> next year.
> Many people sincerely believe that the millenium ends this
> year, when it really doesn't but hey, a big party is a big
> party. A comment from a local friend Ken Bozeman, said;
> > This year the Winter Solstice, December 22 -- the longest night of the
> > year, will be extremely special. This is because the solstice will
> > coincide with a Full Moon. Ah, but not just any Full Moon.
> >
> > The Moon will be within a few hours of its perigee, its closest point
> > to the Earth. This will make the Moon appear to be about 14% bigger
> > than usual. However, it is also only ten days from the Earth's perihelion,
> > its closest point to the Sun.
> >
> > Since the Moon shines with reflected sunlight, then the moon will
> > appear 7% brighter than usual.
> >
> > Whatever you do, get out and look at the sky. You will never see a
> > Moon like this again, even if the world does not end seven days later.
> Something I plan to focus on this next year is treating it
> as a TRANSITION PERIOD between the millenia, a GRACE PERIOD
> of one year to get things moving. That will involve more
> networking and seeking finance for the museum and research
> lab.
> We have access to some amazing devices which we can promote
> and market, depends on what is least attention intensive and
> most viable...we can't get bogged down and deflected away
> from research, like both Keely and Tesla did trying to run
> everything, stick to what you know and hire others to do the
> rest, offering them a share of the profits as inducement to
> work in our combined best interests.
> One device is an approximately 65% solar cell array, the
> idea being to use two battery networks (10-20 batteries
> each). Charge one battery network from the cells, while the
> other network is driving the inverters to operate our
> building, for light and power. Though it would be far more
> efficient and ecologically sound to switch over to 12vdc
> wherever possible. Most of the electronic devices run DC
> anyway and the AC is simply lowered and converted
> internally. RVs use DC TVs, refrigerators and other
> appliances so the machines are available off the shelf to
> use DC primarily. This would also save on power and
> minimize or completely eliminate the 60hz EM pollution.
> We also have a means of making batteries last for many, many
> years without losing their ability to hold a full charge.
> Normal lead acid batteries last from 3-5 years, losing their
> charge capacity due to sulphation. Our method removes the
> sulphation electronically, thus restoring the charge
> capacity. So if you pay $60 each for deep cycle marine
> batteries at $1200 for one 20 battery pack, instead of
> having to replace those every 3-5 years, it would be a one
> time purchase that would work over your lifetime with proper
> maintenance. That is assuming you don't crack the case or
> let them run dry.
> I also have an associate who is representing an incredible
> chemist inventor. He has developed an amazing enzyme which
> within minutes converts human waste and organic garbage into
> an inert powder for waste disposal.
> In speaking with Chuck tonight, we discussed some other
> aspects of the museum,
> including self powered bungalows for visiting researchers,
> networked to our local computer so people could work on
> projects or the website from their bungalow, be it design or
> research.
> We got to talking about putting up webcams at strategic and
> dynamic points in the building so that people could come to
> the website and view what was happening at that
> moment...that way, we could solicit advertisers who base
> their pay on number of hits, which could yield essentially
> free income to help support the museum and our activities.
> Much of this is posted at;
> but new ideas keep
> popping up. I like the idea of the bungalows where fellow
> students and researchers could prearrange to stay for short
> periods, a week to a month and work in the lab or help out
> with the museum or maintaining or servicing the KeelyNet
> site.
> The idea of meeting new people who could show us new things
> or could learn something while there, either in the lab or
> studying in our archives, is very appealing. I'd prefer
> there be no money involved, free lodging and food in
> exchange for their assistance...if we help them or anyone to
> develop a product or discover something new that has
> commercial applications, we would help them get a patent and
> license it for marketing. Lots of possiblities as there are
> many novel and exciting ideas that would lead to products of
> many types.
> Free energy and gravity control of course MUST be freely
> shared as proof of principles on the website as they simply
> cannot be patented or otherwise restricted, to ensure their
> implentation worldwide without any chance of suppression.
> There are other devices which we have arrangments with the
> inventor on, because they know we will protect their
> interests but to date, we've not been empowered to do
> anything with them....there is always a control or greed
> catch so rather than sell our souls and watch it be
> destroyed or suppressed, we wait and plod along knowing one
> day, our time will come...I'd love to have construction
> details and statistics derived from real time measurements
> of our experiments to share....this next year will be a
> great period to set the tone for the we are
> open to opportunities that could 'make it so'...Happy
> Holidays!
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker -
> from an Art to a Science
> Voice : (214)324-8741 - FAX : (214)324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716
> Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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