Water, Part 6 (Companion)

Michael S. Johnston ( (no email) )
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 16:11:59 -0500

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Hi Again,
This concept for a boiler design using H2 as it's fuel source and O2
as it's oxidizer is the ONLY feasible way to use this fuel to it's
maximum efficiency. The first crucial concept to look at is that this
boiler, unlike any other, does not use the heat produced by the
combustion of fuel to heat water into steam in a separate container.
This is because the combustion of the reactants creates superheated
steam as it's only by-product. Therefore the combustion of said
reactants will take place INSIDE the boiler chamber itself. Not outside
it or beneath it like on Grandma's old cook stove. Oh boy, that one
little thing changes everything in figuring the efficiency for a steam
driven electrical generating system doesn't it? Imagine that. ZERO
losses of heat energy up the chimney!
Another immediately obvious advantage is that with this system we
won't need to use ANY air. The gasses necessary for complete combustion
of the reactants are found naturally in water (8:1 in pounds, by weight)
and so if we burn those gasses in that natural ratio (again, by weight)
in our boiler it will result in complete combustion without air being
necessary at all. Inducted air is not even desirable because it wouldn't
allow us to do some of the other things that we can do with it this way.
Because of this I guess it could make a nice power source for a ship,
submarine or space vehicle.
Since the only by product of this boiler is superheated steam and
since that is what is used to turn the big turbines in most of our
commercial electric plants today this just fits right in doesn't it? The
major advantage that we have here is the same thing that you get from a
dam in hydroelectric power. If we install a valve [(6) on the diagram]
on the main steam pipe going to the first turbine then we have the
opportunity to restrict the flow of the steam after we first start the
system, until we build whatever kind of pressure we want it to work at
(say 5000psi). Then we open the valve so that we are delivering
superheated steam (5000 degrees + or -) to our turbine at 5000psi. As
long as we control the rate of flow so that we only let as much steam
out to the turbine as we are creating by burning our fuel then we can
maintain the system in equilibrium indefinitely.
At the bottom of the boiler you will notice the fuel feeds (2) with
the little "spark plug" things on their sides (3) to initially start the
system. I designed them to look like the nozzles on an oxyacetylene
torch but a better design might be like a rocket motor. We really don't
need thrust here though. Just complete combustion.
The main boiler skin (1) must be able to withstand very high
temperatures and pressures. After all H2 with O2 burns at 7,000 degrees
and steel melts at 6,000 degrees so we will have to remove quite a bit
of our original heat pretty quickly. To do this I show superheaters (9)
which will take the steam that has left the previous turbine, reheat it
and turn another turbine. With enough of them we should be able to
manage the excess heat. I believe that around 5,000 degrees is the upper
limit for today's power generating systems. I think that we could drop
it down into that range. Also notice the little pumps (8) after the
turbines. This is to keep back pressure from building up between the
My "official" diagram is better and my explanation more complete but
I am getting tired of this now so this will have to do.
One more thing though. If you wanted to turn this into a loop system
all you would have to do is condense the steam back into water and run
it into the seperator/splices. No new electrolyte would be necessary as
that will always remain in solution in our seperator/splices.

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Hi Again,
   This concept for a boiler design using H2 as it's fuelsource and O2 as it's oxidizer is the ONLY feasible way to use this fuelto it's maximum efficiency. The first crucial concept to look at is thatthis boiler, unlike any other, does not use the heat produced bythe combustion of fuel to heat water into steam in a separate container.This is because the combustion of the reactants creates superheated steamas it's only by-product. Therefore the combustion of said reactants willtake place INSIDE the boiler chamber itself. Not outside it or beneathit like on Grandma's old cook stove. Oh boy, that one little thing changeseverything in figuring the efficiency for a steam driven electrical generatingsystem doesn't it? Imagine that. ZERO losses of heat energy up the chimney!
   Another immediately obvious advantage is that with thissystem we won't need to use ANY air. The gasses necessary for completecombustion of the reactants are found naturally in water (8:1 in pounds,by weight) and so if we burn those gasses in that natural ratio (again,by weight) in our boiler it will result in complete combustion withoutair being necessary at all. Inducted air is not even desirable becauseit wouldn't allow us to do some of the other things that we can do withit this way. Because of this I guess it could make a nice power sourcefor a ship, submarine or space vehicle.
   Since the only by product of this boiler is superheatedsteam and since that is what is used to turn the big turbines in most ofour commercial electric plants today this just fits right in doesn't it?The major advantage that we have here is the same thing that you get froma dam in hydroelectric power. If we install a valve [(6) on the diagram]on the main steam pipe going to the first turbine then we have the opportunityto restrict the flow of the steam after we first start the system, untilwe build whatever kind of pressure we want it to work at (say 5000psi).Then we open the valve so that we are delivering superheated steam (5000degrees + or -) to our turbine at 5000psi. As long as we control the rateof flow so that we only let as much steam out to the turbine as we arecreating by burning our fuel then we can maintain the system in equilibriumindefinitely.
   At the bottom of the boiler you will notice the fuel feeds(2) with the little "spark plug" things on their sides (3) to initiallystart the system. I designed them to look like the nozzles on an oxyacetylenetorch but a better design might be like a rocket motor. We really don'tneed thrust here though. Just complete combustion.
   The main boiler skin (1) must be able to withstand veryhigh temperatures and pressures. After all H2 with O2 burns at 7,000 degreesand steel melts at 6,000 degrees so we will have to remove quite a bitof our original heat pretty quickly. To do this I show superheaters (9)which will take the steam that has left the previous turbine, reheat itand turn another turbine. With enough of them we should be able to managethe excess heat. I believe that around 5,000 degrees is the upper limitfor today's power generating systems. I think that we could drop it downinto that range. Also notice the little pumps (8) after the turbines. Thisis to keep back pressure from building up between the turbines.
   My "official" diagram is better and my explanation morecomplete but I am getting tired of this now so this will have to do.
   One more thing though. If you wanted to turn this intoa loop system all you would have to do is condense the steam back intowater and run it into the seperator/splices. No new electrolyte would benecessary as that will always remain in solution in our seperator/splices.
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