time manipulation and a proposed machine

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 00:46:10 -0600

Hi Juan et al!

Hmmm...only way to know if it works is to test it...I think if you can
decrease the gravity flow into a mass, then time will slow down
proportionately. So if you can stop gravity flow into a mass, time
would stop but would the mass disappear with no influx to hold it
together or would it eventually fade away without the energizing flows
moving into it?

If gravity has a frequency then so would time which would mean it was
phase conjugatable so that you could make it flow backward in a specific
area or mass.

The idea being to create an anti-time effect which would clock mass
backwards...for rejuvenation or even re-precipitating or repairing other

I think the link of a morphogenetic field fits here since as long as the
field of the object is coherent, it has a pattern to follow...so if
properly stimulated the pattern would be 'filled'...say you had a car
that was worn out...you could put it in the anti-time field and
accelerate it (the field) backwards and the car should reconstitute as
long as there were no missing parts or severe damages.

With the razor blade experiments, it was noted that a razor blade can be
sharpened by placement in a pyramid for 3 days....that is only on
condition that the razor had suffered normal wear, where enlarged images
of the edge show a rough mountain range of sharp points and steep

When the blade is used for normal shaving, these peaks (steel crystals)
are broken off on the tips....when subjected to the pyramid energy, the
steel crystals re-extend to fill up the morphogenetic pattern of the

Now if the blade has VERY DEEP gouges in the mountain edge landscape,
then the damage is too severe to recover and it won't fully sharpen.

This would make a totally cool time lapse photo sequence.

Juan de la Cruz Barrios wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> This is a interesting post of a guy in another list talking about a
> design of actual time machine....
> Greetings, Juan.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> If you get this before I sent it..... :-)
> http://www.undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~roconnor/time.html
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -  jdecker@keelynet.com             http://www.keelynet.com             from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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