
Bill Kingsbury ( )
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 13:21:03 -0500

Regarding herbal medicine, have you heard of vinpocetine,
a periwinkle (herb) seed extract ?

"Vinpocetine is a highly selective and non-steal effect
vasodilator. That is to say that it improves brain blood
flow, but only in those areas of the brain that require
improvement! As a result, not only can Vinpocetine be
used to treat and prevent stroke, but its side effects
include improving eyesight, hearing, mobility, reaction
and agility -- in short, enhanced brain function can mean
enhanced physical function. Vinpocetine is being proven
to be one of the most remarkable and yet safe supplements
of recent times.

"Vinpocetine has been shown to be a cerebral metabolic
enhancer and a selective cerebral vasodilator (1,2).
Vinpocetine has been shown to enhance oxygen and glucose
uptake from blood by brain neurons, and to increase
neuronal ATP bio-energy production, even under hypoxic
(low oxygen) conditions (3,4)."

(from: Vinpocetine - a superior cerebral metabolic
enhancer and neuroprotector, by James South, MA)

The actions of vinpocetine result in a very long list of
benefits, including enhancement of memory, alertness, mood,
and eyesight -- and much more. (Sounds a bit like the
actions of ginko biloba extract.) Clinical research began
over 25 years ago.

To learn more, check out these articles.
The first one is a short intro:

Vinpocetine prices seem to have fallen over 70% recently.

Good results occurred with 10 or 20 mg taken every 12 hours.
Side effects are rare.

Two low cost Vinpocetine sources are: 120 tablets x 5mg = $10 100 x 10mg (powder) = $11

For information and research purposes only.


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