Fri, 26 Nov 1999 02:27:00 EST

Hi Folks!

I'm new to this discussion group, but I've been reading the topics for some
time. Also, I have been studying this area of a "New Physics" for close to
twenty years, with periods of intensive experimental efforts. Early on, I
came across a theoretical framework which offered an explanation for
virtually all known phenomenon and forces in our reality. It was quite
simple, straightforward, and very compelling. It also suggested a means to
harness the "Primordial" or "Primary Source" of energy which is responsible
for: matter formation; gravity; inertia; and nuclear energy. The theory also
links the above with all EM phenomenon via the aether. It went on to
describe that this "Primary Energy", in a more attenuated form, is also a
main source of energy that biological organisms utilize routinely, as it
exists all around us.

The original theoretical discussion also described how to concentrate and use
this energy for various "healing" or general biological purposes (we already
naturally use this energy in our bodies); and how to harness the full
strength "energy beams" for an isolated gravity beam and matter
creation/duplication, as well as limitless "free" power generation!

As I said, the simplicity or more accurately described "sophisticated
simplicity" of the theoretical framework was intuitively very compelling, and
indeed "elegant". So, having an open mind to higher ideas, combined with a
healthy skepticism, (kind of a "show me" mentality), Myself and an associate
proceeded to obtain the materials needed to make the simple "biological
beams" and tested them on ourselves. To our surprise, there was indeed an
energy "beam" created by these simple arrangements which could be "felt", and
the energy qualities (bio - effects) described by the original info were as

Our experimental work has verified very conclusively (at least for us) that
the biological effects of this "Primary Energy" are real. In addition, many
individuals worldwide have also independently found great benefit from
utilizing this energy (lower phase or bio - effect) as described in this
earlier information.

Myself and my associate also conducted numerous experiments to achieve the
full strength (higher phase) "beams" which should result in an isolated
source of gravity etc., and to date we have achieved several "momentary"
anomalies which tend to support this theory. I am very hesitant to say that
we have conclusively demonstrated this - as we have to date, been unable to
repeat these "momentary" bursts of force on a "target" mass. I am confident
that the theory has merit, and will be realized (may already have been by
others unknowingly).

The implications of effectively harnessing this Primary Energy are quite
dramatic - and would have profound ramification to our global society - for
example: limitless energy sources which are clean and benign; materialism and
greed would become irrelevant (if you can create, dissolve, and duplicate
matter - money, selfishness, and want would certainly recede to merely a
place in the history books). These are but a few examples of the

I feel a responsibility to continue to explore this avenue for the reasons
alluded to above - an interesting theory, some evidence in support of it's
validity, and the implications of achieving it. I am soon to engage in
another period of experimentation, and I am also collating and co ordinating
information for a book or paper to go along with the (future tense) release
of repeatable, verifiable experiments demonstrating this energy.

It is premature to say anything more than these ideas are a distinct
possibility at this time. However, I would like to share some ideas in the
hopes that this perspective might be of use to others.

I can hear some of you thinking - "Oh no, another flake making claims and
being evasive and vague about the details!" I assure you - the cautiousness
which I am taking in sharing this information has a reasonable basis. There
are some distinct and potentially serious dangers in moving too quickly into
this area without adequate safety precautions. For example: if this theory is
correct, then this Primary Energy is responsible for both radioactive
materials and nuclear explosions, as well as the enormous energy generated
(or converted) in a star, as well as the above mentioned phenomenon.

In addition, some more mundane dangers exist with just a simple gravity beam
- one experiment which produced an anomalous and very distinct "push" on a
target mass - the target was a 1 Kg block of granite, suspended from a long
pendulum, placed at a distance from the "beam generator" - I had become
frustrated with literally hundreds of attempts with a particular experimental
set up failing to produce results, and just started wildly varying the
"excitation" parameters by hand as the "beam" was initiated; and there was a
very sudden, very loud "snap" and the target was pushed close to 1/2".

The report was like that of a small explosive charge, and the target acted as
if it had been hit by an unseen hammer blow. This movement was one or two
orders of magnitude above the experimental error - the magnetic (ferro, para,
and dia) effects of the high magnetic field of the beam generator only moved
the target a few thousandths of an inch. And subsequently, air currents, and
a sonic shock wave (similar to the one observed) were ruled out as to causing
this "push" or "kick" on the target mass.

I assume this serendipitous positive result was due to having stumbled upon
just the right conditions (time varying fields), within the framework of the
juxtaposition (geometry) of the magnetic and electric fields that the
experiment was set up with. My point here is that the observation of this
very sharp "kick" or hammer blow effect - combined with the direct linkage of
the theory of gravity and inertia (being different consequences of the same
Primary force) led me to the conclusion that more safeguards are required.

This anomalous "push" was very brief and momentary (assumed from the sonic
report) - therefore if one succeeded in getting a continuous "gravity beam"
(and inertia is irrelevant or negated), then one could cause some serious
collateral damage to one's lab, one's self, or even the neighbor's building -
(I had an image in my mind's eye, of this 1 Kg block of granite being
accelerated to sufficient velocity to destructively pass through two walls, a
wooden loading door, and embedding in the masonry of an adjacent building!)
So I decided that it was prudent to proceed only when I had sufficient safety
measures such as physical shielding.

Shortly after this apparent experimental success. circumstances forced us to
"mothball" our lab and equipment. Looking back, this was actually a good
thing - for the understanding and knowledge learned or accumulated since, has
likely helped dramatically to further our understanding of this Primary
Energy, and how to simply and effectively harness it. It is almost as if
some Guide or Guardian Angel was in effect saying "here is a taste of success
- now slow down and learn more of the basic properties before proceeding
again - you and/or the world is not quite ready for this yet".

One of the tenets of this "Primary Energy Theory" is that there is an aether
which completely permeates all of our three dimensional universe. Everything
that is, is a result of - or comes from this aether. But it is not quite
that simple - I will elucidate more on the aether later, for now the point I
wish to make is that there is a link between the "spiritual" or esoteric view
that we have been given free will, which cannot be violated - hence the
impossibility of absolute "proof" of anything. And a more non spiritual or
purely scientific view that the physical universe and the observed phenomenon
are all that there is.

What I mean to say is no matter whether you believe in a creative/guiding
force behind existence, or you don't; there is a mechanism which governs or
seriously affects the discovery and acceptance of new ideas.

This mechanism is via the aether: The aether (combined with the Primary
Energy) is responsible for all that is - but more specifically, the aether
also responds to thought - essentially forming real aetheric objects from
impinging thought. This process can be dramatically amplified by coupling
thought with emotional energy. It is benign in and of itself - this process
- it is WE who give it form - either positive or negative (good or evil).

These aetheric forms, when they reach a certain energy level, will manifest
as matter or alter reality to conform to the thought used to create the form.
Fortunately, few of us have achieved the level of understanding and
evolution to manifest our thoughts/feelings in real time (thankfully) - there
is a time lag for most - and most cannot focus their concentrative ability to
such a degree for a sufficient length of time to give the requisite energy to
these forms to manifest immediately. ( although a few very advanced souls
have achieved it - the loaves and fishes trick, and the water into wine trick
for example - and the dude did say "what I can do today, you can do tomorrow
and more! ) (the same dude also admonished his followers to focus very
clearly their prayer - to give thanks for the object of the prayer having
already been given - as opposed to the more vague ideas of wishing or begging
that something occur)

If this postulate is true (or even close) there are numerous profound
consequences. A few of these are: the true nature (cause) of disease; the
apparent increase lately (last decade or two) of violent storms and other
natural disasters; both "prayer" and various forms of "witchcraft" are
actually tools to use this mechanism - to effect alteration of reality; and
the collective thoughts of us talking monkeys are actually holding us back!

Here is the point I'm trying to make: with this "thought creates reality"
concept in mind, the collective thinking of humankind may actually be the
mechanism as to why this "new physics" is not being realized or remains
hidden. Because many or most do not believe it is possible to have perpetual
motion, or free energy, etc., then this very belief held en masse is the
constraining factor. (also free will comes into play here - nature or God or
whatever you believe in, does not allow one to forcefully take away the free
will of another to choose what to believe - hence absolute proof is not
possible - unless many or most choose to believe). I heard a very good term
describing this phenomenon recently: "The Consensus Reality".

Assuming the Consensus Reality operates just as thought manifestation with an
individual, then there needs to be a certain minimum threshold of energy
(belief) collectively before the "New Physics" can manifest or take hold. Do
not despair, I personally believe that we have either just passed or are just
approaching this "threshold of manifestation" regarding the "New Physics".

This message is getting too long, and I am forced to be a little too brief in
my discussion as a result. I will attempt to continue sharing these ideas in
future messages under this thread.

For now let me say this: the lower phase Primary Energy beams described above
(the ones that have beneficial bio effects), when placed in certain
configurations, can and do significantly amplify this
though/feeling/manifestation process. I and my associate have demonstrated
this to ourselves on numerous occasions. (some quite dramatically)

As a result, by simple technical means one can advance their thought
manifestation ability far beyond the level that we are accustomed to (or
perhaps should posses without sufficient moral evolution) - and as most of
us do indulge in much less than noble thinking at times - there is some
danger there - when one is using the "thought amplifier" one must be very
careful to be in a peaceful, calm and focused state - or you will get out
what you put in - only much stronger. (so be careful what you wish for -
when you put sufficient energy into it - you WILL get it)

(for those who might be very skeptical of this "thought creates reality"
theory: I remind you of the numerous postulates, principles, and experimental
results in the area of quantum weirdness - "spooky effects at a distance",
etc., and the fact that photons for example will manifest as either waves or
particles depending on how they are observed! It is an accepted fact in most
scientific circles that the consequences of the Uncertainty Principle are
that a manifestation is dependent on the observer at least at the quantum
level. It does not require much energy to affect a photon, and I am
suggesting that perhaps it is not a great leap of faith to extend this
concept to a larger reality - you just need a lot more energy to get results)



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