Re: Deluge Insight

Joseph Hiddink ( )
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 23:35:02 -0800 (PST)

Hi Everybody:
The Deluge was caused by the Atlanteans themselves.
They were not planning to sink Atlantis. They were
planning to sink China. China refused to comply with
Atlanta's order to stop using humans as slaves, as it
was against the Law of One (The Creator). Of course
the Atlanteans had created slaves in their own labs,
the creatures that we call chimps, orangs and
gorillas, to do the work that the women did not want
to do.
They had already punished the Greeks for keeping using
slaves, by (40,000 years ago) building a pyramid in
what is now Egypt. A pyramid is a High-voltage
generator. If you would stand on top of the big
pyramis, and touch a wire that is grounded at the
bottom of the pyramid (assuming that it is a shielded
cable with open ends at the ground level and the top)
you would be dead. Five million volts negative at the
top. This voltage was used, to set a Quartz crystal in
oscillation, generate a laser beam that carried the
negative charge in the directions of the Greek
islands. There it would touch a mountain top, carry
the negative charge down the mountain to the tectonic
plates. The upper plate would become negative and so
would be the underlying plate. Both would become
negative and would start to move. When Cousteau found
some sunken islands near Greece he figured that they
were part of Atlantis. Not so, they were sunk by
Atlantis. 40,000 years ago the Greeks stopped using
humans as slaves. Then the Atlanteans were going to do
the same thing to China. It was too far to build a
pyramid there, so they just increased the power of the
big pyramid, which is now in the Bermuda Triangle, and
planned to think China. Many people objected, were
scared and started to build boats. We know only about
Noah, but there were many more people who did the same
thing and lived. Some went to North America. The land
of the Red Man. (The Atlantean's skin was red) Some
went to Egypt. You will notice that all the Pharaos
are depicted with red skin. The only one with a
different skin color was Cleopatra, whose mother was
a Greek, and one of the wives of her father. And
regarde by him as his smartest offspring.
As for the lifting of massive stones:
In Egypt there were many small pyramids, 30-50 feet
high. On researcher, the fellow who discovered Troy,
took one of these pyramids apart. Measured, weighed
every stone, indicated on drawings where the stone was
placed. Came to the bottom and...nothing. All these
pyramids had a niche at one third of the top, in the
shape of a man. So the ignorant Christian and Moslem
leaders thought, that they were places for false gods.
But they were actually battery chargers. Our normal
container now is a square box. But the normal
container in the ancient time was a vase. Which has
the shape of a man. The vase contained the electret.
Re-invented by a Japanese in 1921. Gold foil on the
bottom, wax to the top and gold foil on the top. And
the top was always negative. Five million volts
negative. The priests would take the vase down, and
connect to the top a silken wound wire. And the wire
ended up in a porcelain "magic wand" sticking a bare
piece out. There are some pictures of priests touching
with a giant magic wand some stones. And the vase is
also shown, connected. The magic wand of magicians is
a remnant of what the priests really had. Their
personal magic wands were a porcelain rod with the
battery inside. Insult a priest and he would touch you
with his magic wand and probably give you such a jolt
that your lungs would be paralyzed, resulting more
often than not in death. If a stone had to be moved,
they would bless the stone with holy water, or wrap it
in papyrus and make that wet. Then the stone was
touched with a giant magic wand, while uttering magic
words (that had nothing to do with it, but the
onlooker did not know that).
The stone became five million volts negative, and
resting on the ground, that became negative too. And
the stone was kicked off the ground. Some more
touching of the floating stone, and pushing it in the
right direction and the stone moved for the length of
a bowshot. Then the process was repeated. Stones
weighing 250 tons were moved by a group of priests.
But this knowledge was lost by the killing of almost
all priests by the Roman captain of the guard that
accompanied the lover of Cleopatra, Anthony. He found,
that it was not the Pharaoh who had the power, it was
the priests! So he had some of his best soldiers
dressed up as pilgrims, bringing offers to the tempels
of Memphis and Alexandrea, where they succeeded in
killing the temple guards and set fire to the
libraries. As the priest had their apartments in the
tempels, and there was only on way out, they all were
killed by fire and smoke from the thousands of papyrus
rolls that were copies of the secret knowledge of
Atlantis, in the secret rooms of the big Pyramid.
That smart Captain of the guard became later Julius
Ceasar. Just like the great General Eisenhower, who
had no trouble becoming President after defeating the
Nazis, Julius had no trouble becoming Emperor. He had
conquered Egypt!
Traveling priests were the only ones remaining, and
they kept quiet.
In the south of France there are also some incredible
big stones assembled in walls. When Charlemagne was
Emperor the Christian Priests persuaded Charlemagne to
destroy the forty or so small pyramids...
The big Pyramid was built by Enoch (also named Mercury
or Hermes, the Flyer depicted on the florist's door).
And about 12,000 years ago. That pharaoh who had his
name chiseled in the stones inside the pyramid had
nothing to do with construction. But he figured that
some ignorants in the future could be fooled, and he
was right.
The stones in the Coral castle were probably levitated
the same way. The builder did not start on it, until
after the electret had been re-invented and described.
And coral stones contain salt. which make good
conductors of high voltages.
Night all--- Joe Hiddink
--- "Jerry W. Decker" <> wrote:
> Hi Folks!
> Not a free energy/gravity control topic, however,
> hope springs eternal
> that some archeological revelation might shine a
> ligh on how the
> ancients moved large stones and carried out some of
> the wonders we have
> either heard about or remain.
> One of the deluge theories that has always captured
> my interest was the
> 'water jacket', claiming that prior to the flood the
> waters now forming
> major bodies of water were at one time suspended in
> the upper
> atmosphere.
> That something happened or was intentionally induced
> to trigger the
> massive precipitation of the water for a massive
> flood which filled up
> what are now the oceans, thereby NOT SINKING the
> lost contenents but
> rather flooding them.
> Other recent findings indicate the earth is
> continually bombarded with
> water from space (as ice), some the size of
> winnebagos which adds to the
> water on the planet.
> Now they are saying that when the Black Sea, which
> was originally
> saltwater, was suddenly flooded with freshwater,
> that it essentially
> capped what was there, preserving it for all this
> time. So it is
> possible something unique and original might come
> from this discovery.
> I keep hoping for an archive, whether more Sumerian
> type tablets or
> bas-reliefs, something that would add insights to
> some of the lost
> secrets, maybe even a repair shop or auto junkyard
> for busted up
> vailx/vimanas..<g>..
> Surely there is SOMETHING in the form of hardware,
> if not an intact
> model, at least one or more critical pieces that
> would let us figure out
> how to duplicate some of these legendary reports;
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker -
> from an Art to a Science
> Voice : (214)324-8741 - FAX : (214)324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716
> Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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