Offer for testing an O/U device

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 19:14:13 -0600

Hi Folks!

I have a contact I've known for several years. He has always claimed he
had a working overunity machine which was at one time based on a rotary
system which he wouldn't give details of.

About 4 years ago he said he had a circuit which would prove overunity
and generate useful power levels. He also said he would consider the
shareware offer to disseminate a proof of principle and if he decided we
would receive the plans in the mail by the upcoming Christmas. The
plans never came.

He called me yesterday and said he has now perfected it even more. I
couldn't get any useful details out of him, only that he was ready to
take up some of the challenges for proving overunity.

He did say it used permanent magnets, something that rotates and a
circuit which clearly provides overunity. He does say that you must
plug it into the house wiring but that it provide more power than it is
actually using from the wall. He said 1600 watts of energy is developed
using resistive loads as his proof.

I asked him if it would run itself if the output power was folded around
and he said yes. I asked him if he could or would do that, he said he

His main interest and thrust of the call was to ask if I knew a Tom
Napier. I do not. He said Tom Napier was offering a challenge and
reward for a working overunity machine which he wanted to take up. I
told him there were numerous such prizes being offered and all had
specific guidelines that must be met to be eligible for the challenge.
I didn't think the power coming from the wall would be allowed but he
should certainly go for it if he thinks he has something.

I asked him again if he had just a simple proof of principle and he said
he had not drawn up the plans, that the machine involves a lot of
adjustment with very precise frequencies and tuning to get it just
right. He says he has burned out many switches due to the high power
levels he evokes.

I again asked him what I could do for him, that most of the challenges
required the machine being taken to a given place since he wants the
tester to come to his location to view his singular machine. I
explained about lab queens, where a one of a kind machine works only
under specific conditions/locations and he said he had run the machine
in 7 states with no problems.

I was still very unclear on the method of operation and on what it was I
could do for him. He definitely did not want his name posted nor his
phone number for fear of a deluge of phone calls so I offered to simply
post what little he had told me and he asked if I would pass on anyone
who was interested in coming to his place, with a reward offer, to test
the machine.

So, the bottomline...if you have a reward for an overunity challenge and
can travel to his location in Idaho, please drop me a line at and I'll give you his contact information if you
are on the level.

At this point, I've never seen this guys machine in operation though I
have seen pictures of a large rotating wheel with a lot of what look
like transformers and capacitors. He said he had gotten riled up
because so many people are saying overunity hasn't been done and he
thinks he has done it. I explained that people are finally coming to
their senses and demanding proof, which must take the form of
independently built machines that duplicate the claimed effect...that's
just how science works...if others can't duplicate it using a precise
set of instructions and protocols, then there probably is something

So, drop me a line if you want to check out this guys machine with some
kind of overunity prize that you would sign over to him if he can
convince you.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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