(no subject)

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( jplentin@club-internet.fr )
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:02:22 +0100 (MET)

Hi Matthew, Jerry & all

Here is some info from another list (Rife-list@eskimo.com). Although it's
not Rife or electromagnetic, this paste gets favourable word of mouth each
time melanoma is mentioned on that list. Some quotes :


> I have used a product from Alpha Omega labs called cansema.
I have not heard of it failing yet. It is the best cancer treatment
for any type of skin cancer I have seen.

>Does anyone know how Cansema can be obtained ?
It has to be ordered from Alpha Omega Labs in the Bahamas.

> and what its active ingredients are?
Zinc, bloodroot, and chapparal. There is a recipe at :