
Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 10:37:35 +1300

Hi all,

As with all things in life, something at sometime will give you a kick in
the rear end sometimes for a reason, other times just to annoy you.

My Father has been diagnosed with Melanoma (skin cancer). Some of you may
be saying "radiation and khemo(sp?)." Well the Doctors say "Not possible
with the location of the Melanoma." So that leaves my father, conventional
medicine-wise, up the creek in a leaky boat with out a paddel. Well I tell
a lie there, they will remove tumors as they show their heads. Thats kind
of like tying to patching up the leaks in the boat as it ducks and dives
aimlessly downstream with a high possibility that new holes are going to
present themselves.

I ask any and all of you who may know, or have developed alternatives to
reply. I don't care if its a change of diet, taking a pill or other
substance, or dowsing oneself in some bizare energy.

I await your responce.


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