entrained aether URL

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Sat, 13 Nov 1999 10:14:10 -0800 (PST)

Hi Folks!

Bert Pool shares this interesting URL which has
several intriguing files on antigravity;

modern entrained aether drift experiment;


A. Brillet and J.L. Hall conducted a modern ether
drift experiment in 1979. Brillet and Hall put a laser
on a rotating platform and split the beam.

One part of the beam went into a Fabry-Perot
interferometer, the other was directed via mirrors off
the platform to be compared with a reference beam from
a stationary laser.

The frequency of the rotating laser was compared with
that of the reference laser; the difference was
Fourier analyzed. Any anisotropy of the speed of light
would show up as a frequency shift which varied
dependent on the direction of the interferometer.

If the old pre-Lorentz ether theory were true (static
ether), they would have found a frequency shift
dependent on sidereal direction of the interferometer
and found no such effect.

They also found a frequency shift of 17 Hz at twice
the table rotation rate, which they could not explain
on direction of interferometer with respect to the

It is this effect which is predicted by an entrained
ether theory.

An entrained ether theory favors a dynamic ether, an
ether that can be entrained in motion by a rotating
object, such as earth, embedded within the dynamic


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