wavepropagation in a vacuum

Hans von Lieven ( hans@usenet.com.au )
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 20:15:30 +1000

To Darren's question

Magnetic attraction and repulsion occur in a vacuum in the same way as they occur in air.

As to the question how lightwaves and radiowaves can travel in a vacuum, that is a question that has not been
satisfactorily answered by conventional science. The way they perceive it at present is that light, for instance, has
a dual nature and that photons are real particles in a vacuum which enables them to travel without the help of a
medium, they are believed to convert to waves when travelling through a medium.

This is not quite as far fetched as it sounds as we know that gamma radiation for instance does have a dual
nature, being both particle and wave.

It is an age old argument that makes a strong case for an aetheric medium which science currently rejects.



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