"Free" Energy

Mike Johnston ( enki@csrlink.net )
Sun, 07 Nov 1999 15:33:20 -0500

Hi y'all,
I thought I might as well make a truly meaningful contribution to
this discussion so here goes. I have a couple of things I could lay out
but the first one will be a simple, make at home generator of "free"
energy. I should point out that it is a pun in a way but it will work
just fine, all jokes aside. It's pretty elementary but how many of you
have ever thought of it?
DISCLAIMER: If you test this out yourself and are electrocuted in the
process, IT IS NOT MY FAULT. Also if it should happen to be illegal and
you are arrested and such, that IS NOT MY FAULT either!
That said, you will need some simple equipment;
1) 2 or 3 old tires.
2) An aluminum TV antenna.
3) A single pole switch.
4) A ceramic light recepticle (with bulb).
5) A piece of plywood about 2' square.
6) A copper ground stake.
7) A couple of bolts or nails.
8) A length of copper wire (insulated) 12/2 ought to be fine.
First you go out and find a high-tension electrical transmission line
( one on your, or a relatives property, would be best). You know the
ones I mean right? The ones that carry 6-10 thousand volts or better.
Once you have found your experimental subject you get set up. First
place the tires in a stack on the ground. Next affix the TV antenna to
the piece of plywood using the bolts or nails and set it on top of the
tires. Then attach one end of your wire to the antenna and the other end
to your switch. Next run a piece of wire between your switch and your
light. Finally run a final piece of wire from your light to the ground
stake. Make sure that your wire doesnt touch the ground between your
antenna and your stake and then throw the switch and see what happens.
Keep in mind that, at no time, are you or any of your equipment
touching anything that belongs to the power company. You are putting a
conductor (the antenna) into a powerful electromagnetic field and giving
the electricity that will collect on it a way to the ground. On the way
you are putting it to work.
Now I know that the more imaginative among you will start thinking
about different setups where you use transformers and such and end up
powering your house for free this way but like I said, IT'S NOT MY
FAULT! It is "free" energy though, isn't it? ; )

Have fun,


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