Single-Wire Energy Transmission test with the AFEP v1.2
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 13:12:19 EST

Dear All,

I have updated my web site with a new test result about the AFEP device :

The AFEP v1.2 (Avramenko's Free Electrons Pump) is a improved version of the
AFEP v1.0, I have added a small 78L12 DC regulator for the 555 square wave
pulses generator circuit. The AFEP circuit is now powered with a 24V DC
source ( two lead acid 12V/4 AH batteries) and always ungrounded.

The First Single-Wire Energy Transmission test (11-03-99)

The purpose of this test is to check the inventor's claim about the energy
transmission through a single wire with the Avramenko's plug.

You will find all diagrams and pictures at :

Best Regards
Jean-Louis Naudin
Overunity Web site:

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