Hair health
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:57:43 EDT

I've read several books by purported health experts, and on
the subject of stopping hair loss and supporting hair growth,
when it came to the idea of supplementing the diet as one means
of assisting the process, the B-Vitamins were always in the spotlight.

I read many years ago where one B Vitamin contributes to
a chemical reaction that leads to the next B Vitamin being
necessary, and so on, making each of the B-Vitamins
essential to the completed process.

Does anyone know where I could look to find that information
again? Exactly how the B-Vitamins work in conjunction with

Interestingly enough, a few months ago, I received a very
interesting and compelling tape about a product to increase
accidophilis like cultures in the intestines, generating a
healthy intestinal flora, with claims that under such circumstances,
the body can and does manufacture it's own B-Vitamins.

Those B-Vitamins are supposed to then prevent their hormones
from causing women problems and assist us all in doing
everything B-Vitamins do, including apparently helping maintain
healthy hair.

Again, I would very much appreciate help learning more
about the role of the B-Vitamin complex, in particular,
how each interacts with the other and the specific sequential
chemical reaction that takes place.

Interesting? Appropriate subject matter for this forum?

Thanks for your help and understanding,


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