Re: Multiple Ark of the Covenants?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 19:34:07 -0500

Hi Folks!

(received a short email from Simon Miles, who runs the Dendera page
quoted in this thread, here is his email and my response if it might be
of interest) wrote:
> hi Jerry
> my name is Simon Miles, and i am the author of the denerah lightbulb page.
> thanks for posting the links. i appreciate it.
> i just realised that that page didnt have links to the rest of my site, so
> have now added them. if you havent seen the rest of the site, please take a
> look around.
> Sacred Landscape Geometry 99
> regards
> Simon Miles

Hi Simon!

I did look at some of your other pages...I too have read of the Rennes
Chateau and Arcadian mysteries in Holy Blood, Holy Grail and
GenIsis...fascinating information...but these days as I get older, I
want to focus on HARDWARE and or techniques that everyone can use.

Your site is interesting in trying to correlate so many disparate
observations, some of which really don't fit on KeelyNet...but the idea
of the Ark of the Covenant and such as being a possible means of
communication or more probably used to allow weight reduction in matter
is definitely worth investigation.

I am one of those who thinks science and archeology turns a very blind
and biased eye toward ooparts and anomalies which don't fit into the
currently accepted and promoted theories....the Smithsonian claims to
have high ideals but I would NEVER send them anything that I
found....much has been lost or hidden away as hinted at in the Raiders
of the Lost Ark movie....a bit stylized but then again, I think there is
probably more truth to it than fantasy..

It always puzzles me WHY they must hide such information....the only
reason I can think is to protect vested interests and
institutions...nothing worse than to study and teach something all your
life and have it all turned upside down by a revolutionary discovery
that throws all of your 'knowledge' and beliefs into disrepute or
completely disproves them....who would hire or support you then???

One of the side benefits of computing and networking is the realization
that you can't just STOP LEARNING and coast on what you have done or
known in the past.
If you want to advance, YOU MUST LEARN, ADAPT AND OPTIMIZE...

That is what academia, government and all areas of science and medicine
must gravitate toward, a more rapid move to investigating and refuting
or proving anomalies.

Granted, they do change but ever so quote that I've
always liked was 'science advances one funeral at a time', referring to
the death of those who stifle and quench change and advancement.

Thanks for the site!

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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