Re: Multiple Ark of the Covenants?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 00:52:18 -0500

Hi Folks!

Here is an interesting view of the Dendera tubes, indicating they are
demonstrating some kind of process by the way they are displayed;

'It is clear that the three images show a technology of some kind but I
suggest that it is not the forerunner of some Edisonian device, despite
what might appear to our modern eyes as "filament", "bulb" and
"electrical cord". However, we can penetrate some way into the mystery
by noting that the images form a clear series.

In the first stage, the elongated "bulb" is supported by a kneeling
figure, and the serpent which acts as the "filament" shows three
distinct "waves " along it's body.

In the second, the bulb is supported by a Djed pillar, on an angle, with
arms emerging from a lower crossbar, and the serpent now exhibits four
ripples along its length. These first two images are adjacent on the
northern wall of the tunnel.

In the final image, which is found on the opposite wall from the first
two, the bulb is resting on a vertical Djed pillar with arms now
emerging from out of the top section. This time, five waves are shown on
the serpents body.

The decisive clue is the succession of increasing waves in the body of
the serpent, from three to four to five.

We can deduce that what is on display here is primarily a process. The
first two images represent preliminary stages in the setting up of some
set of conditions. The third image represents the goal, and the earlier
two show steps along the way. T his is confirmed by the placement of the
three images, with the first two on the south wall of the passage, and
the third opposite on the north wall. The progression in the waves of
the serpents body from three, to four, to five, hints at a vibratory
process which attains to higher and higher frequencies and harmonics.'

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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