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I have just finished updating a portion of =
Tonite's changes:
.... slashed the prices on the 1998 Exotic Research Conference Videotapes =
(just in time for Xmas)
.... added the 1999 Phoenix Exotic Research Conference Videotapes, =
complete with abstract, bio and speaker contact info
.... reworked the index page to get around a little easier
.... highlighted the web pay per view for the 1999 tapes
.... removed the Exotic Research email list signup as the ISP =
discontinued that function
Over the next few weeks, I will:
.... Add preregistration and preliminary info for the 2000 conference in =
July (current 30% discount)
.... Overhaul the bookstore portion of the web to get all of our titles =
online and appropriate articles
.... Add articles from the out of print backissues to the magazine =
Would appreciate help in checking for glitches I may have missed or am =
not aware of, so if anyone runs into one, please email me a description =
or give me a call at (520) 424-3581. By the way, we are now authorized =
to sell GEET plans for those who may be inclined to build one, and ER =
members get 10% off.
One last note for the record. If anyone watched the Tesla movie, it had =
a sort of new agish prelude. UFO Central had nothing to do with it. It =
was in the original film put out by Zagreb Films. Overall the movie =
itself is great except it ends with the demise of Wardenclyffe. Kind of =
mushy with the Katherine parts, though.
Please feel free to pass on this information.
Steve Elswick, Publisher
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