Re: Re. Linear induction for space launch

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 07:45:24 +1300

At 09:20 25/10/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi John et al!
I once built a vibrator with 2 13 lbs weights rotating in opposition to
each other but not like the ones used in pile hammers.
I hinged the weights in such a way that they worked together only at one
point to slide away like a comet goes round the sun.
about 60 revs a minute creates enough thrust with 1/4 h.p. motor to make it
scoot along the bench and crash into the wall with a hell of a force. I
intended to use it in a boat because when in a rowing boat, you can make
the boat move with your body weight providing you shock your body forward
and slowly return to it's original position.
Any positive action can be sustained as long as the reaction can be slowed
down sufficiently to minimise the backlash in time.



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