Woodward gravity reduction

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Sun, 24 Oct 1999 11:00:14 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

An interesting approach to weight reduction and
gravity control based on James Woodwards tests and
patent, check out;


James Woodward who claims to have found a way to
reduce the mass of objects.

"Mass" doesn't mean the same thing as "weight." You'd
weigh less on the moon than on the Earth, because
weight depends on the force of gravity. Mass, on the
other hand, is an innate property of matter; it exists
even when an object is in free fall. Nevertheless,
Woodward had written a paper claiming that he could
adjust the mass of an object (Foundations of Physics
Letters, vol. 3, no. 5, 1990), and he even managed to
get a US patent for his device (number 5,280,864,
issued January 25, 1994).

The equipment he uses is relatively simple, which is
just as well, since he's had to pay for a lot of it
himself. If you want to reduce the mass of an object
in the privacy of your own basement workshop, here's
how it's done:

Obtain a high tech ceramic capacitor (a standard
electronic item) and attach it to the speaker
terminals on a stereo amplifier.

....Feed in a steady tone (perhaps from one of those
stereo-test CDs) while using some kind of
electromechanical apparatus (maybe the guts from an
old loudspeaker) to vibrate the capacitor up and down.

According to Woodward, the capacitor's mass will vary
at twice the frequency of the signal, so you will need
a circuit called a frequency doubler to drive your
vibrator at the correct rate.

If the vibrator lifts the capacitor while it's
momentarily lighter and drops it while it's heavier,
you achieve an average mass reduction - which sounds
as if you're getting something for nothing, except
that Woodward believes that in some mysterious fashion
you are actually stealing the energy from the rest of
the universe.

He claimed that so far he's measured a reduction of up
to 150 milligrams; just a fraction of an ounce. Still,
practical applications could be developed. "If someone
decided to put substantial amounts of money into this,
you could have something within three to five years.
For spacecraft, all you'd need would be big solar
arrays instead of rocket fuel."
the patent is 5,280,864 at;'5,280,864'.WKU.&OS=PN/5,280,864&RS=PN/5,280,864

This invention concerns a method of temporarily
reducing the inertial masses of objects, especially at
repetitive short intervals. If a pulsed force is
applied to an object sychronously with a repetitive
mass fluctuation a stationary change in the apparent
mass and weight of the object can be affected and the
transport of the object can be facilitated.

The transient mass reduction effect described herein
upon which this invention is based is a consequence of
all locally Lorentz-invariant theories of gravitation
in which the inertia of objects is induced chiefly by
their gravitational interaction with the distant
matter in the Universe. In particular, this effect is
consistent with and expected from the theory of
general relativity, the prevailing theory of

The magnitude of the apparent weight change will
depend on the magnitudes of the mass and weight
fluctuation and thrust, and their relative phase.
Surely there is an optimum frequency related to the
mass being effected so that it could be tuned to give
the greatest amount of weight reduction. It reminds
me of a comment made by a fellow at one of our now
defunct Roundtable meetings where he said;


At the last Roundtable meeting, we were discussing
gravity control and the creation of an 'artificial
neutral center' which, if properly energized, would
cause attraction to the mass neutral center.

Much like a goat attached to a wagon and walking to
follow a carrot suspended in front of the goat.

An older fellow said he remembered reading 'Amazing
Fact and/or Astounding Fiction' from the 1930's.

A fellow wrote an article which detailed the
construction of an atomic bomb. He was laughed at by
many readers and upset with their treatment of his

Years later, the government designed an atomic bomb
almost exactly like the plans posted back in the 30's.

One year after this writer submitted the atomic bomb
plans, he submitted another article claiming to
produce anti-gravity. The principle was based on the
creation of a null zone within a mass.

This older fellow at the Roundtable meeting described
it as a rod, through which an electrical current was
sent at the wavelength of the rod.

When the wave was reflected from the end of the rod,
it created a cancellation in the middle to produce
this null zone.

Within this zone, the aether could not penetrate to
produce 'weight' and so the rod floated in the air.

The date given for this article was August 1938. The
old fellow claimed the man had built the device and it
actually worked!

If you get a chance to look this up, I would greatly
appreciate a copy of the article (both if you can get
them) so that we can post them on the KeelyNet BBS and
on the website.

There is a great possibility that the magazine names
are inaccurate, but he did say these articles appeared
toward the end of the 1930's. I am posting this in
hopes someone might have access to these articles.


Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of
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