Thought experiment

Dave Nelson ( (no email) )
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 22:51:13 -0500

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Anyone game to tackle this?

For computational purposes we will assume a diameter of the earth of =
miles with the resultant velocity of 1000 MPH or 1600 KPH. We are on =
equator. We have a small pad on the ground exactly at sea level that =
the ability to neutralize the gravity of an object instantaneously, in 0
time. We have three spheres of 1 meter each. One is pure iron, one is =
copper, and one is pure silicon. Other than the weight difference, one =
magnetically and electrically conductive, one is electrically but not
magnetically conductive, and one is neither.

The neutralization does just that, it does nothing but render the =
absolutely neutral insofar as gravitional attraction, but retains all =
properties of the respective materials. In relation to the point where =
was neutralized, can anyone predict what each sphere would do after it =
neutralized and considering all other physical forces and energies which =
would be subject to other than gravity?

Dave Nelson

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Anyone game to tackle =this?
For computational purposes we will =assume a=20diameter of the earth of 24,000
miles with the resultant velocity of =1000 MPH=20or 1600 KPH.  We are on the
equator.  We have a small pad =on the=20ground exactly at sea level that has
the ability to neutralize the =gravity of=20an object instantaneously, in 0
time.  We have three spheres of =1 meter=20each.  One is pure iron, one is pure
copper, and one is pure=20silicon.  Other than the weight difference, one is
magnetically =and=20electrically conductive, one is electrically but not
magnetically =conductive,=20and one is neither.

The neutralization does just that, it does =nothing=20but render the spheres
absolutely neutral insofar as gravitional =attraction,=20but retains all other
properties of the respective materials.  =In=20relation to the point where it
was neutralized, can anyone predict =what each=20sphere would do after it was
neutralized and considering all other =physical=20forces and energies which it
would be subject to other than=20gravity?

Dave Nelson

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