Re: Atom models

Dave Nelson ( (no email) )
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 13:56:45 -0500

I am cognizant of what you are saying, and am in agreement with some
aspects. However, as my God consciousness created this dream where I bump
my head and it hurts, I have to play in it like it was the real thing.
Maybe it is because since I am God, and there is not a mirror big enough for
me to admire myself in, I must do it in other ways, through my facets.

So, describe to me this physical linkage, this transfer of this energy you
refer to. It sounds so beautiful.

Of course it would be. ;-)

Dave Nelson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marinus Berghuis" <>
To: "Dave Nelson" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Atom models

> At 11:31 21/10/1999 -0500, you wrote:
> > For any model of the atom there is something that will have to be
> > How they are physically connected so that animation can
> >occur.
> >
> > The cat jumps up and
> > You curse it, swat it off and it lets out a squall.
> >
> You ask a lot of questions and have come up with lots of bits and pieces.
> Again I have to say.
> What makes the cut jump ? Consciousness !!
> What is consciousness. The wish to be as a construct of imagination.
> What is imagination? An alternating forcefield expressed as light
> which only
> manifests itself by interaction with
> How does an electron not fall into the centre?
> Because it is fed energy continuously which makes it spiral like planets
> round the sun.
> What is the nature of the feed. Psionic energy which is the manifestation
> in physical matter of consciousness.
> We now have gone the full circle and back to what came first the chicken
> or the egg.
> If you want to be God, think like God and extend your imagination just as
> by looking at your coil, the coil moved.
> This is your imagination working through the lens of the eye.
> If one stops thinking of being limited in capability, you can make water
> boil by placing a glass of it between your hands.
> Imagination is YOU and YOU and no one else but YOU.
> Greetings and have fun while it lasts
> Ren

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