Re: Was Keely a fraud??????

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:11:55 -0500

Hi Nick, Theo et al!

Nick, you surprise me..<g>...I read it and couldn't help but chuckle
knowing how much information is out there to study on Keely, then
comparing his reports to modern day duplications.

Theo is absolutely correct....we should do our homework...Scientific
American and no one else could remotely touch or remotely DUPLICATE ANY
of Keely's demonstrations, even with OPENLY EXPOSED tubes, pipes,
pressurized containers, hydraulics and such.

Only on his death was this revelation made. Now I'm not a fanatic about
Keely and have often said I believe he did fake a few of his
demonstrations for bucks, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to throw the
baby out with the bathwater.

If you notice, despite the name being KeelyNet, we have files on many
subjects, from many inventors, not just Keely or just Tesla, but
many...the idea being to have a patron with some overview that would tie
together many SEEMINGLY disparate observations and this
case control of the aether...with my feeble attempts at understanding
Keely, his theories and such, I have not yet found anyone with a
superior view of how the universe works and how we can tap into it.

It might be wrong and I certainly don't want to be trying to sell anyone
on my views, but if you look, you will find more than enough that will
inspire and to some degree has been thus with me and my
relationship with Keelys work to date.

There is a fellow named Russ Robertson who has been studying Keely for
many years, finding all kinds of old clippings and reports and trying to
determine what is going on and how it works....he is very upset because
he found a document published after Keely died which claims everything
Keely ever did was one gigantic fraud. The article has diagrams, NOT
PHOTOS of what is claimed to be the insides of some of his machines with
giant springs, hydraulics, pneumatics, etc....

Russ is ragging on me for not posting that file....he says this report
made him lose complete faith in Keely and thinks I am doing a disservice
by continuing to fog peoples minds and efforts with Keely...<g>...geez,
ain't the world a wonderful place?????

That's why I'm rich, living in one of my three palatial homes in Maui,
Sri Lanka or Florida...never working, just scamming people to invest in
my bogus ideas about Keely using the KeelyNet....puhleeze, just shoot me
now....that is so untrue...I work +40 plus hours a week to barely pay my
house payment and bills rather than using KeelyNet or anythig else to
scam anyone.

However, Theo said he too has that report and knew better than to
believe ONE single report generated ONLY after Keely died and by his
detractors and people who had felt Keely as a thorn in their sides for
over 30 they had a chance to destroy in what little was
left...maybe they were right but I'd bet serious money AGAINST them and
their expose'.

Not once in all his demonstrations has anyone been able to duplicate
even the simplest effect using hydraulics, pneumatics, clockwork or

A good magician or scientist will be able to DUPLICATE the effect using
known techniques IF they can. But THEY COULDN'T....

And how thorough they have been....even going so far as to remove the
MAIN CHAPTER of the Bloomfield Moore book on Keely, the ONE chapter that
deals with the aerial propeller in a book called Aerial isn't that odd?
Fortunately they did not get ALL the copies....and through Vic Hansen we
have posted that missing chapter.

You think I'm kidding or making it up? Buy the book from Health
Research, Dale Pond or anyone else and look for the missing won't find fact, read the whole book and tell me
where, just once, it talks about a flying machine? Why would you call a
book aerial navigation and not mention it in the book?

Something stinks...

I've taken a lot of flak about Keely over the years and thats ok, those
who can see, do...geez, that sounds so hokey new age, but some do 'get
it', others simply don't...I know it took me from 16 to about 32 for it
all to SNAP with the basic realization of what he was saying and how it
worked (my opinion of course)...its all about frequency(ies) and how it
can be used to produce push, pull or balance...from that all matter and
energy phenomena ensues....all I can do is find correlations and bring
them to light not in an attempt to expand the Keely or KeelyNet church,
but to validate the first report of the phenomena...and add to the
information pool that might help to duplicate the more intriguing
phenomena, particularly self-rotation as in the Globe motor and gravity
control as with the iron sphere and levitation as with the Airship
demostration for the US Army in 1896.

Your last comment asking why none of Keelys devices have been duplicate
applies to MANY, Moray, Hurwitch, Coler, Testatika, Hendershot, Hubble,
Searl, Hamel, and on and on...nada, zilch....

Way too much smoke from way too many disparate sources....and THAT is
the GIST of KeelyNet, to compile and CORRELATE, looking for common
effects possibly described with unique or different terms....hoping to
lead to greater understanding that will INEVITABLY lead to experiments
where we can TEST and prove or disprove the hypothesis...that IN MY
OPINION is science in its essence...

Nick Hall wrote:
> >I think any good magician realizes this foible with
> >human perception and takes advantage of it to produce
> >difficult to explain effects.
> Jerry, several times in this list we have both stressed that _verification_
> of alternative energy claims is all important.
> In the context of Keely I would say this:
> Personally I know little of the man or his claims, and have generally gone
> along with the seeming assumption on this list that he was genuine and that
> he discovered effects that can`t be explained by orthodox science and that
> his discoveries might be significant for the free energy enterprise.
> Today, it came as an eye opener to read in an old copy on Scientific
> American (January 1968, pp115 ff) an article written by Stanley Angrist on
> "Perpetual Motion Machines". At the end of the article it discusses Keely`s
> later developments and the Keely Motor Company. He writes:
> "Keely and his associates formed the Keely Motor Company, capitalised at $1
> million. They raised much of the money from gullible New York businessmen.
> As the years passed, although no engines other than the first one were ever
> built, Keely`s showmanship became more polished. By 1881 he had begun to
> attribute the production of vapour to 'vibratory energy,' and he would
> 'vivify' the energy during demonstrations with a giant tuning fork. By 1884
> he had so mastered what he now called the 'interatomic vapour' or
> 'interatomic aether' that he demonstrated a new device: a canon, complete
> with a 'vibrator' near the breech, that was capable of propelling a ball
> 500 yds with a muzzle velocity of 500 feet per second."
> So far so good, then he goes on to say:
> "Keely died in 1898. The son of one of his major backers promptly rented
> his house and explored the premises in the company of reputable witnesses,
> seeking evidence of fraud. Under the floor of the house they found a
> three-ton metal tank that had evidently served as a reservoir for
> compressed air. In the walls they found quantities of brass tubing and a
> false ceiling suggested the means by which Keely and his associates had
> conducted the compressed air to his generator."
> So an obvious nest of questions comes to my mind:
> Was Keely a fraud?
> If "yes" then why do we have a mailing list named after him to
> facilitate the discovery of genuine alternative energy???
> If "No" then why hasn`t someone laid these claims to rest and forced
> Scientific American to retract what is clearly libel?
> I don`t know enough to answer these questions.
> But I do wonder how it is that even though Keely (it is claimed)
> demonstrated various free-energy devices we don`t have any surviving ones
> that can clearly show a) he was genuine and b) it is possible.
> Not even _one_ as far as I am aware......
> And what did happen with his Keely Motor Company????
> What were the final findings when it was wound up - was a legal judgement
> made as to the genuineness of the original claims?
> Thanks - looking forward to the replies....
> Nick Hall

---     Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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