Re: Was Keely a fraud??????/study more!

Theo Paijmans ( )
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:24:48 +0200

What is it with you guys?

Everything that is written below on Keely being a charlatan or not, I already
discussed indepth in my Keely-biography titled: Free Energy Pioneer: John
Worrell Keely ( And far better than these
superficial articles I might add.

Did you know Nick - obviously not as you have not studied my book - that the
Keely laboratory was sealed off by private detectives before the search began?
And that the brass tubing was not a surprise, as it had been there for years on
end, as various witnesses claimed? Did you also know that the expose first
appeared in a newspaper owned by William Randolph Hearst? And that one of the
investigators of the Keely lab was Clarence Moore, the son of Keely's backer,
Mrs Bloomfield-Moore? And that he always was antagonistic towards Keely, as he
wanted to inherit her money that she invested in Keely? Etc. etc. I am not
taking any stance, but everybody should know all the facts.

So, go on then, buy my book and start studying!


Theo Paijmans

Nick Hall wrote:

> At 06:29 18/10/99 -0700, Jerry wrote:
> >Hi Nick!
> [Big snip - thanks for the info Jerry - great stuff!]
> I`d like to zero in on something you said:
> >I think any good magician realizes this foible with
> >human perception and takes advantage of it to produce
> >difficult to explain effects.
> Jerry, several times in this list we have both stressed that _verification_
> of alternative energy claims is all important.
> In the context of Keely I would say this:
> Personally I know little of the man or his claims, and have generally gone
> along with the seeming assumption on this list that he was genuine and that
> he discovered effects that can`t be explained by orthodox science and that
> his discoveries might be significant for the free energy enterprise.
> Today, it came as an eye opener to read in an old copy on Scientific
> American (January 1968, pp115 ff) an article written by Stanley Angrist on
> "Perpetual Motion Machines". At the end of the article it discusses Keely`s
> later developments and the Keely Motor Company. He writes:
> "Keely and his associates formed the Keely Motor Company, capitalised at $1
> million. They raised much of the money from gullible New York businessmen.
> As the years passed, although no engines other than the first one were ever
> built, Keely`s showmanship became more polished. By 1881 he had begun to
> attribute the production of vapour to 'vibratory energy,' and he would
> 'vivify' the energy during demonstrations with a giant tuning fork. By 1884
> he had so mastered what he now called the 'interatomic vapour' or
> 'interatomic aether' that he demonstrated a new device: a canon, complete
> with a 'vibrator' near the breech, that was capable of propelling a ball
> 500 yds with a muzzle velocity of 500 feet per second."
> So far so good, then he goes on to say:
> "Keely died in 1898. The son of one of his major backers promptly rented
> his house and explored the premises in the company of reputable witnesses,
> seeking evidence of fraud. Under the floor of the house they found a
> three-ton metal tank that had evidently served as a reservoir for
> compressed air. In the walls they found quantities of brass tubing and a
> false ceiling suggested the means by which Keely and his associates had
> conducted the compressed air to his generator."
> So an obvious nest of questions comes to my mind:
> Was Keely a fraud?
> If "yes" then why do we have a mailing list named after him to
> facilitate the discovery of genuine alternative energy???
> If "No" then why hasn`t someone laid these claims to rest and forced
> Scientific American to retract what is clearly libel?
> I don`t know enough to answer these questions.
> But I do wonder how it is that even though Keely (it is claimed)
> demonstrated various free-energy devices we don`t have any surviving ones
> that can clearly show a) he was genuine and b) it is possible.
> Not even _one_ as far as I am aware......
> And what did happen with his Keely Motor Company????
> What were the final findings when it was wound up - was a legal judgement
> made as to the genuineness of the original claims?
> Thanks - looking forward to the replies....
> Nick Hall
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