Interesting electric motor...

Frank Earl ( )
Sat, 09 Oct 1999 00:26:20 -0500

I can't remember if this little gem was mentioned before
on the list, and while it's not overunity, it does merit
mention as it is a fundamental shift in thinking about
electric motors (And, perhaps other things, when you
place some thought about how things are...) Here's some
URLs to follow up on...

While it doesn't lend it credence, the USPTO granted
patent number 5744896 on April the 28th of last year.

Seems the DOD and NASA are keenly interested in the
design. Seems that the things work off of something
with the Lorentz force according to all the write-up.
If these things do, in fact, work as advertised and
they don't consume stupid amounts of power, I could
see someone coming up with an over-unity power source
and drive each of the wheels of the vehicle with
one of these motors...

After all, who can beat:

Weight : 25 lbs
Torque : 100 ft-lbs @ 3800 rpm
Size : ~12 inches diameter, 3-4 inches thick

Here's to hoping they have something...

-- Frank Earl

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