Request for info on rotary permanent magnet-based self-propelled engines

jmarch ( (no email) )
Thu, 7 Oct 1999 23:45:11 -0700

Brief intro: my name is Jim March, I'm a computer tech in the SF Bay Area
and I'm a halfway decent mechanic.

On a recent motorcycle trip to Arizona I broke down bigtime in the middle of
the Mojave I met an elderly gent who was among other things an old Harley
racer...he was intrigued by my bike (hotrod Harley, basically), he took me
in for the weekend while we wrenched on my ride in his very well equipped

Among other interests, the old dude has been playing with magnets. As in,
making them go round and round under their own power. I did not see his
most advanced type run, but I talked to other people who had. One 21"
aluminum wheel on a bearing shaft mounted seven BIG ceramic magnets the size
of a small paperback book each, and had supposedly been set to spin under a
lowered arrangement of other similar magnets. At 7,000RPM it apparently
started to "really take off" in a self-sustaining reaction and at about
17,000RPM the fixed array of magnets had to be quickly lifted because the
spinning bit was visibly flexing outwards and was about to catastrophically
eliminate the gap.

Note that this is with NO circuitry of any type other than electromagnets to
get it spinning to the initial 7,000RPM.

Did I mention the spinning bit weighed 200lbs?

Ya. Ohhhhhkay.

The keys: he's using repulsion effect, and he's got a specific "direction"
to the magnet placements. He also uses differing numbers of internal and
external magnets so that at any one time, there is more repulsion pairs
kicking off than attraction.

He claims that his #1 problem is *controlling* the reaction safely. This
guy is purely a "mechanical tinkerer", he's been dropping iron filings onto
paper with a magnet under it to visualize the magnetic fields. He's also
extremely dyslexic, outrageously creative but barely literate; I've dealt
with that type before, they can come up with some pretty radical stuff when
they're sane.

I explained to him what a Faraday Cage is and how I thought it could be
formed into a mesh around the non-spinning magnets to control the reaction
by cranking up the Faraday field strength.

I need any information on any similar critter anyone's ever heard of. Keep
in mind I'm a newbie to all this. I intend to build a working model; what
I'm *not* going to do is steal this guy's work, I hope to build a small
working model and help him show the critter off, which is why I'm being
sketchy on a few details here; basically, it's not my tale to tell in it's

Second question: according to him, any two permanent magnets that are locked
together against their repulsion force will slowly "strengthen" from the
continuous push, versus how leaving two magnets stuck together will slowly
drain them. Is that true? If so it makes this critter seriously feasible,
especially if a Faraday Cage can control the reaction.

I've been studying all kinds of free energy devices all day now, such as the
Adams engine. There's a sort of "family similarity" between this critter I
saw and an Adams machine but what I saw was a heluva lot simpler and was big
enough to power a golfcart if the control problem was solved. me out here, guys.


Jim March (real name; I'm a moderator at
(Community forum) and am known in real life to many there and elsewhere).

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