Re: Properties of Light - EM waves/particles

Slavek Krepelka ( )
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 02:59:25 -0400

John Berry wrote:

> So any experiments that change the wave mechanics to particle mechanics change photons
> into light?

You lost me here. I have no idea what you mean.

> I thought the definition of a photon was a quanta of light, how do you get a wave
> quanta?

As it comes to wave property, that is infered from Young experiment.A simple ressonating
guitar string over an arbitrary lapse of time can be viewed as particle wave quanta. But
that is my way of looking at it.

> It seems that your definition would call the same EM radiation light at one point and a
> photon at another.

For crying out loud. I defined nothing. I asked you to confirm, if you meant photon by
saying photon, rather than meaning light. You are turning it into another discussion which
I am not really all that interested in.

A simple yes or no would have done quite well.

> Please elaborate on how you see the conventional view as supporting relativistic point
> of view.

What is conventional? There is agreed upon relativistic view and agreed upon QM view. Each
within its theory framework. That is at least how it appears to me.

> John Berry

Regards Slavek

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