Re: Seeking Reference

Fred Epps ( (no email) )
Mon, 4 Oct 1999 01:40:34 -0700

Hi Slavek,

Thanks for the ref. This is very interesting, I haven't heard of any of
these experiments before, and I must have missed the previous discussion. I
will have to look for the originals and see if I agree with his analysis.
There have been a number of people who have found electrostatic waves moving
faster than light. Eric Dollard by calculation from his longitudinal wave
circuits found 127% C.
G.F. Ignatyev in Russia found 116% C using a high voltage antenna.


>Hello all.
>I have found a link to the previously discussed FTL Hertz experiment and
>a bit more. It seems to be written by a pro.
>Who ever is interested, here it is.
>Regards Slavek.

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