Re: Living in a Dyson Sphere.

Peter Harris ( )
Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:22:25

Hi John
John Berry wrote:
> If you put down two parallel shafts and build a tunnel as was done at
> the bottom matter would be denser so there would be over that distance
> more matter, so in effect I'm saying that the absolute distance is say
> one mile, but because of the distortion of the permeability of space it
> take more than 1 mile of matter as matter has shrunk and we find we are
> an inch short in this example.

I'm curious John, if I measure the distance between the wires at the
surface using a ruler and then decend to the bottom of the shafts and
measure again using the same ruler, surely the ruler will suffer the
same distortion as the matter at the bottom of the shaft making the
distortion impossible to detect. That is to say wouldn't my distorted
ruler measure the distorted 1 mile as 1 mile?

regards from Christchurch