Re: Electronically amplified signatures

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sat, 2 Oct 1999 11:01:56 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Slavek et al!

Yes, that 13th transistor business was here, something
I witnessed at Peter Kelly's lab...interesting

Peter said each transistor had its own response
characteristics and so let through a different
'spectra' of frequencies - he also said it worked fine
as long as he used 12 transistors, when he put in the
13th, it would fail to work.

When he tested that 13th transistor it would be
blown...he said when he cut it open to look inside, it
was nothing but a hollow cavity where the insides had
been....he said that happened every time.

The next correlation is with the 'Dweller on Two
Planets' mention of a force called the 'unfed light'
which was a visible beam of what appeared to be pure
energy...anything dropped into it would simply
disappear without smoke, flash or noise...kind of a
disintegration beam.

The 'Dweller' book says it sprang forth from a book of
the law which was manifested and initialized by a 'son
of the solitude'....its available from Health Research
and has a lot of cool science type devices.

I know that's getting way too spooky but I didn't
write the book....just recalling the Navaz generated
unfed light and its disintegration properties.

Peter and I talked about this, speculating that there
was some massive combination of frequencies which
tapped into a harmonic of such a beam, enough to
destroy the surface of the transistor circuit inside
the epoxy (like a capacitor filling up with energy)
and then destroying the very device that created John Hutchisons experiments with many
electronic devices in a single room that seemed self
organize into a rudimentary intelligence....enough to
sense its environment, extend its 'energy arms' enough
to throw things around, like a baby mapping its
environment, and accidentally destroying one or more
of the devices which combined to give it
existence...quite fascinating...

--- Slavek Krepelka <>
> Hello folks,
> There is a write up somwhere on Keely. The guy was
> puzzled about some tuned electronic circuit with
> transistors in it. Up to twelve transistors, the
> circuit was OK. Add 13th and one of the transistors
> smoked.
> Just something that poped into my mind. May be it is
> usefull? I know nothing of electronics, but this
> looks like relevant to the previous message.
> Thinking about it, it may have been Bill Beaty site.
> Regards Slavek.


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