Re: Another Worm

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 1 Oct 1999 15:59:01 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Warren et al!

I thought that sounded familiar...wasn't that the
audio tape thing you sent me years ago where you said
some circuit could detect emotion??? Man, you missed
the boat on capitalizing it...<g>...what's with us?
I've seen people capitalizing on stuff I posted years
ago business sense or just dreamers?

--- Warren York <> wrote:
> Jerry, here is another worm that may have fell out
> of your can. I think you have a copy of it in your
> archives at Keelynet. It is an article I wrote back
> in 1998 for EXTRAORDINARY SCIENCE called "Scalar
> Wave Technology". (Scalar Wave Detection) It covers
> this exact experiment I had performed with the same
> results. If you don't have any of the graphics I
> can supply them. They are the most important point
> for they show the test setup and how I obtained the
> recorded results. It really works if any of your
> viewers wish to check your site for the article
> and duplicate it. This idea comes real close to FTL
> communications if you want to venture into that
> field. No, didn't patent the idea. I still have the
> test tape around here somewhere. By using binary
> code one could turn on a lamp or PC at just the
> control of ones emotional state of stress.(a
> thought) Warren


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