Re: Patrick Flanagan Neurophone information

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 12:14:11 -0500

Hi Folks!

Received this email from Patrick Flanagan that you might want to check
Hi Patrick!

You wrote;
> Look Jerry. I am getting tired of this. The study at the University
> of Virginia showed that the ultrasonic signal is attenuated as you move
> away from the head. Turning up the sound level in the Neurophone
> does not significantly increase the power levels of the ultrasound.
> The Mk II is too weak to be heard far from the head. You can hear it
> through the eyeballs where there is only fluid. Like all sound,
> ultrasound perception depends on a minimal threshold of power density
> before the modulation can be heard. The NEW Neurophone being designed
> in Germany for me will have 4X as much power as my most powerful
> Neurophone.
> Patrick

You are getting 'tired of this'????

If you'll recall, it was you who wrote me to 'clear up misconceptions'.
Now that I ask, you are 'tired'?

Think about it, who best to explain and clarify the claims than the
inventor? Especially when the inventor offers it on his own without
being prompted or asked.

After all, if you'll recall it was you who never responded to any of my
communications after I said we would wait 6 months to give you time to
get your website online before posting of the faux neurophone circuit
(which you said wasn't the neurophone) about 3 years ago so I was very
surprised to see an email from you at this late date about anything.

You say the ultrasound components will be amplified 4 times in the new
German version....thats great but thats in the future, in the next

The claims regarding Mark 11 aren't true as per my own experience with
what appears to be a working unit. I have no experience with the
Thinkman 'version' but two reports say they don't work. It is a logical
progression that if the prior two versions don't work, then the new
version won't either.

In all candor, this version thing smacks of Microsoft.....beta versions
released as ready to go, buggy but still paid for and tested by
users...until the next 'version'.

To me a version is new and useful improvements added onto working
technology, 4X is one such possible improvement, but if it still doesn't
let you hear with purely ultrasonically modulated sound, then it still
hasn't fulfilled the first version that claimed to use ultrasonic
modulation to make it audible.

With regard to ultrasonic hearing and distance from these 'saccules',
when I held the electrodes on my neck or head I did not hear anything
BUT the electrostatic slapping of the skin.

At any rate, I will try that experiment using my Mark 11 with sound and
neurophone signals at the same time to see if there is a 'profound
effect' when the audio is removed leaving only the neurophone signal.

I could well have missed something and am open to becoming a 'believer'

When people ask, I can only report what I know to be true or if I don't
have direct experience I can only reference anecdotes from what I hope
are reliable people. At this point, from my experience with it, I KNOW
the Mark 11 is purely electrostatic and only works to allow hearing when
placed near the ear.

Lab reports are wonderful, measurements and tests are necessary, but
what does it do in the real world, what does it do FOR people,
truthfully and beyond the advertising pitch?

The idea of hooking an electrode to your skin and being able to hear
music or audio completely internally is what I always understood the
Neurophone to do.

If that were truly the case, if it really did or could do that, it would
spawn entirely new approaches to transduction of audio, where people
simply touch a piece of metal to hear music completely inside their

If that was so, then two people touching the same metal or each other
while another touches the metal would hear the same thing.

And that should be expandable to a wider audience...thus the claims of
'electronic telepathy' when two or more people are connected, whose
nervous systems are possibly resonant and they are sympatico.

That brings up Tom Beardens book 'Excalibur Briefing' and his conjecture
that people whose nervous systems vibrate at the same frequency would be
resonantly coupled.

So you could have many people all connected to Neurophones, whose deeper
minds COULD possibly connect to self organize into a self aware
being....Bearden says it would probably look around at how humans have
messed up the earth and blast us all in disgust, thereby destroying the
components which gave it life.

Much like John Hutchisons experiments with many electrical devices
running in s single room, where they appear to take on a rudimentary
awareness where bizarre things happen like a baby sampling its
environment and mapping its reach and perceptions.

I must admit that I do find it odd that you don't have any neurophone or
thinkman information or even links to other sites from your main page

Good luck with your new version and I'll be looking for a description of
what it can do and if it looks good, post a link to the
URL....hopefully, we'll get some reports from people with their

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187