Aether 'sink flows'

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 15:44:47 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

Another interesting paper that discusses gravity as
due to inertia, mass as due to 'sink flows' and other
concepts that should lead to aether tapping to produce
gravity control, inertial dampening and power

Gravity is explained as due to the acceleration and
velocity of an inertial and electromagnetic space
which flows into all matter.

To begin with, space must have parts, it cannot be an
undifferentiated continuum. The consistent size of
physical phenomena implies that space has a fine
structure, possibly at the Planck scale.

I envision volume-creating "cells". These spatial
cells constitute a unique type of fluid. They can move
relative to their neighbors. While flowing like a
fluid, they can also conduct EM motions like an
elastic solid.

The cells may have some internal structure or external
features that allow them to support these various
phenomena, or there may be two or more kinds of cells.

The data imply that these cells are themselves
massless and frictionless. Mass is the dynamic result
of sink flow. I propose that all phenomena can be
explained if we posit that space supports two kinds of
phenomena: fluid-dynamic and electromagnetic. I have
tried to explain most known phenomena using a space
that had these two essential characteristics.

This theory leads to a plausible explanation of
inertia. I have posited that all matter is a spatial

Since gravitational and inertial mass are equivalent
(Eötvös 1889, 1908), it is reasonable to presume that
they have the same cause.

This theory suggests that the dynamic, accelerative
field of flow that a body creates in its surrounding
space not only causes other matter to accelerate
towards it (gravity), but also tethers the body in
space so that any translational acceleration of the
body matter relative to the surrounding space is

Such a translational acceleration, interacting with
the inflow acceleration, would create tension in the
surrounding space. There would exist opposing
accelerations (L4T -4) as the body is accelerated away
from the very space which it is accelerating towards

If indeed, as the data indicate, spatial cells cannot
move relative to one another at a velocity greater
than c, then it is clear that this tension cannot be
instantaneously relieved.

Once the force is no longer being applied, the
opposing accelerations will cease, the tension in
space will be relieved, and the body will move at a
uniform velocity in the massless, frictionless space
with very little resistance (L4T -3).

Significant resistance to unaccelerated motion would
occur only when the body moves at near luminal
velocity--which is the limiting velocity of
cell-to-cell motion. Then the cells will not be able
to move out of the path of the body.

Thus the supposition of a definite maximal
cell-to-cell velocity explain can explain how a
massless, frictionless medium can resist acceleration
and produce a limit to velocity.


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