Re: Books link

Nick Hall ( )
Sat, 25 Sep 1999 12:19:19 +0100

At 22:21 25/09/99 +1200, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I was searching for some hovercraft information and this came up.
>Thought I would post it to the group, it has some interesting book titles.
>Colin M.....


Thanks for taking the time to post this link. It will be useful I`m sure.

However, can I just play devil`s advocate for a moment......?

I was going to change the subject line of this post to "Did we forget to
pack our brains...?"

I`m a passionate believer in the possibilities of `free energy`. I`m
convinced that say gravity can be `harnessed` in some way etc etc, BUT:

Here in the UK there is a famous (and very good) kid`s magazine format TV
program called "Blue Peter". One of their key points is showing kids how to
make various models of things out of everyday stuff. They have a catch
phrase which is well known over here:

"Here is one I made earlier...."

When I see book `reviews` (often written by the publisher!) that include
statements such as:

"How to build a flying saucer."

I think "Hmmm, fine, where is the one you made earlier...?"

The fact is that for all the publishing on free energy topics, all the $$$
spent on `how to ...` books, all the discussion, the emails etc etc etc,
the world is generally waiting to see `the one we made earlier`.

I know that `just thinking about the possibilities` is an important part of
the process, but it is all too easy to get so absorbed with the
possibilities that we don`t seem to get around to that all important final
step: making one that works and can be demonstrated.

Maybe I`m just being irritable, but the `feel` of some of these "how to`
books is that of the daily self-fulfiling SPAM offers I get:

"Send me 10$ for my book `How to make a million on the Inernet` "


Nick Hall

"That which a man cannot afford to lose owns him"