Re: Seeking a copy of Letters Upon the Mast

Nick Hall ( )
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 07:53:19 +0100

At 21:42 23/09/99 -0500, Jerry wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>I finally got a chance to look up this 'Letters upon the Mast' book
>webpage to see what it was about. Turns out it is relevant to Pavlita
>and redirection of energy, both subtle and man-made modulations, which
>has long been an interest of mine.

I have to admit to being `suspicious` of this stuff.....

I believe that various `effects` have been noted (what in other circles
have been called telekinesis` etc) but that is a different issue from this
or that person`s explanation of the phenomenon.

For example, consider this excerpt:

"Here also I want you to keep in mind these observations of Nikoli Koserev,
a Russian astro physicist also discussed in Psychic Discoveries behind the
Iron Curtain. He noticed with sensitive clocks that time seems to run a bit
slower in the winter. He wondered if life had anything to do with this. So
then he put life, like people, near the clocks, and behold; they ran
faster. He wondered if what the life were doing would effect the clocks. He
found that when people were doing a very mental exercise (such as an
algebra problem), instead of just hanging out, the clock's speed took a
quantum step up to another level. Also that when the person was performing
a very artistic task (musical instrument etc), the clocks took yet another
quantum jump faster."

Time slows down and speeds up????

It strikes me that you could only get away with such claims in an age that
didn`t have atomic clocks! If it were true, think of the
implications......(GPS systems for example). If there is one thing the 20th
century has done well, it is time measurement.

If there was any such subjective element to time measurement, don`t you
think that it would have been publicised by now???? Of course, there could
be a conspiracy to keep this subjective element to time measurement under
wraps... ~:)

I don`t have a problem with the possibility that a specific clock might be
caused to run faster or slower by the psychic abilities of a nearby human
being - but in such a case we`d rightly think that "the clock is now wrong"
NOT "time has slowed down".

IMHO this illustrates a problem that has plagued new physics like a horse
fly that just won`t go away: people discover `effects` but almost
immediately offer theories to `explain` the effects that fly so in the face
of orthodox science that scientists dismiss not only the theory but the
effect itself.

If there is an observable genuine effect, then you will always find some
scientist or other who would be willing to investigate it.


"That which a man cannot afford to lose owns him"