Re: Seeking a copy of Letters Upon the Mast

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 21:42:51 -0500

Hi Folks!

I finally got a chance to look up this 'Letters upon the Mast' book
webpage to see what it was about. Turns out it is relevant to Pavlita
and redirection of energy, both subtle and man-made modulations, which
has long been an interest of mine. It's hard to find any details on it
that would lead to experiments that anyone could do. A few years ago, I
believe it was Pavlita's daughter who was drumming up support for a
museum with all his models and test devices as well as his written
material. When I responded to the email, I got no answer and a call to
the number found it not in service.

A couple of years ago, the author of 'Letters upon the Mast', Michael
Donovan contacted me about his discovery of what he felt were patterns
that could be numerically derived and used to duplicate Pavlitas

He sent me and Dan Davidson a small photocopied sample of his book.
Neither of us could make sense of any of it. I asked Michael if he had
built any devices using his theories and don't recall the answer but I
think it was no. He said at that time that he had been threatened by I
believe a Navy intelligence group because he had stumbled on something
quite profound and that the government did not want it out.

I kind of lost contact with him after asking if he had a working device
that could prove his theories, just one. At that time, he said he was
planning to publish his book in a leather bound version but we both
explained that he needs to better describe his work so that it would
make sense. And ideally prove it by building something based on what
his theorized shape would predict. As I recall, we even offered to try
to work with him to MAKE it clearer but to do that, we would have to
understand it so it could be better described and presented.

Here is the website;

Letters Upon The Mast contains a story which explains the new geometry.

A symbol set which helps navigate the geometry is also explained with
forty maps and diagrams. By learning 19 core symbols, you can easily
express relationships between (1) paths of tarot deck, (2) 10 centers of
kabballah, (3) notes of music, (4) quarks, (5) the 230-232 crystal
symmetry, (6) the houses of astrology, and (7) the I Ching.

The basics of the new geometry itself will, with updates, be continually
put up on this site. You do not need the book to get the basics of the

Because there is a limited quantity of this edition, please e-mail me at The e-mail page link does not always
work, and you might want to copy down the address, as well as bookmark
the 'new geometry' homepage.

If you have an interest in the book, type Your Book as subject of
e-mail. I will get back to you. Please include any special interest,
engineering, kabballah, geometry, etc. and brief background. I am also
searching for people with strong backgrounds in numeric progressions.
I note he doesn't post a price, shipping information or anything from
the book that would back up why it would be a good purchase. As nice as
he was in sharing that small sample with us, it just didn't make sense
so I certainly could not recommend it.

I think we all know or at least suspect there are underlying patterns in
nature that we should be able to copy in machine form to produce
controlled phenomena but from what I saw in his book sample, the
information provided adds nothing to the field.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187