VTA Information

Bruce ( bruce@hallad.freeserve.co.uk )
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 18:38:08 +0000

Hello All,

Apologies if you know about this already.

I have just learned of an allegedly vital part of the magnet
conditioning process for the Sweet VTA.

At the 2nd International Symposium on New Energy in 1994, the VTA was
discussed in a co-presentation by Michael Watson and Don Watson (who
happen to have the same surname, but are not related to each other). In
an audio tape of the talk, they both refer to the following.

After the magnet has had its field modified by a current pulse through a
conditioning coil wound around its periphery, to give a state of reduced
magnetism and a new position of the Bloch wall, the magnet should then
be placed between two metal plates to form a capacitor, with the magnet
as the dielectric. Between 10 and 20 kV should be applied across the
plates for a period. The theory is that the electric field raises the Barium
atoms into a metastable state, from which they will decay only after
some considerable time. When the magnet is again placed in the
conditioning coil in the presence of an ac field and is pulsed, the
metastable state allows the formation of a bubble which is not rigidly
fixed within the magnet material. This is the essential quality of the
required bubble, so that it will move or vibrate easily when the
machine's input coil is powered.

Those who have experimented with the device should understand the
references to current pulses above, but if something is not clear, just ask.

Michael Watson thought that Sweet had pulsed his magnets, then given
them the electric field treatment, more pulses, another field treatment,
pulses again etc, several times. He said that the steps you'd need
would depend on the magnets, their manufacturing process and a host of
other factors - in short, there was no cookbook method. You would
probably have to spend a long time experimenting. There was also doubt
about when the first electric field treatment should be applied - before
the first pulse or after. And how long should it be applied? He didn't
know for sure, but he gave his about an hour.

Don Watson handed out a paper at the conference, which gave some details
of his method, but strangely, didn't mention the electric field at all.
You can read his paper at


Also look on Keelynet under energy at the file vtakey.htm for Jerry's
description of a programmed magnet.

There was a warning on the tape. Someone from Australia had told
Michael Watson that Russian experimenters thought there were negative
health effects from mobile magnetic bubbles. What does that mean? I
don't know. Personally, I'd handle the magnets with long tongs after
they had been conditioned!