Healing power of magnets?

Russell Garber ( (no email) )
Sun, 19 Sep 1999 12:00:41 -0400

Hi all,

I had to think about this a bit before deciding to post it as it is a
little strange, but I figured I would post it and see if anyone else had
any similar experiences or thoughts about it. I have always been
fascinated with magnets and have always thought that they held some
unknown/untold secrets. Anyway, since I recently discovered KeelyNet and
other o/u sites, my interest in this area had been stimulated causing me
to experiment with magnets/magnet motors, etc. once again. Recently I have
noticed something strange on my face. Normally, I have a slight beard
(kind of a scruff look) on my face. Recently, the hair has completely
stopped growing in a couple of places on my face, in a large enough area to
be very noticeable, and where the hair does seem to grow back (although
only a very little), it is only peach fuzz. I find this strange and was
wondering if anyone else had any ideas on this. I realize that there may
be a medical explanation, and could be the result of many different
factors, but with all the talk of medical healing/time reversal of cells,
etc. associated with magnets and EMF, I wondered if there might be a
connection here. Anyway, I did say it was a little strange and it may not
have anything to do with anything, but I figured I would throw it out there
and see what other people think about it.