Re: The David Hamel's pictures album

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 21:35:54 -0500

Hi Colin!

You wrote;

> Great to see a site showing a doer. There's something about going out
> and doing it and seeing for yourself.

Had me grinning on that one since your thread was about the David Hamel
picts.....the bottomline remains, nothing has worked except the spinner
(where the basic effect was known years before Hamel ever came along
with it).

Lets do a reality check on Hamel, shall we?

Lots of claims with the Hamel drum and the flying disc but still fluff
until it has been replicated and proven....and seems like Hamel info is
springing up everywhere these days....the more the merrier but
STILL...nothing works...

The SEG (a governed free energy device) and flying disc was claimed
years before Hamel by Searl.

And a version in turn was claimed years before Searl by Schappeller.

God only knows how much money and wasted time and effort Searl and such
claims by others have been depleted by people due to this cagey
withholding of critical information necessary to duplicate EVEN THE
BASIC PHENOMENON...assuming they are remotely telling the truth.

Ask Pierre Sinclair who has spent years and tens of thousands of dollas
on earnestly trying to duplicate Hamels claims, only to be teased and
jerked around with partial, incomplete or erroneous information.

I know several people experimenting with magnets (including me) and
other things but nothing to report as in a self running machine or
useful effect that isn't already documented, so should any one of us
waste other's time and effort just to post something?

Or should we keep working until we achieve some kind of basic success or
at the very least offer discussions that might offer insight into how to
achieve success...THEN is the time to post pictures and information.

I guess some of us could take some picts and post them with claims of
success, you can do marvelous things with POVRAY and Photoshop
too..;)..naw, it WON'T happen here...but good luck with the pictures....

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187