New Flanagan Sensor Medallion

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 06 Sep 1999 16:16:02 -0500

Hi Folks!

With regard to patterns that redirect energy to enhance health, Ole
Alstrup sent this in about Patrick Flanagans Sensor Medallion;

> Hi Jerry,
> I wanted to inform you that Patrick Flanagan has just
> released a limited edition of a "Grand Cross Super
> Platinum alloy 10X power Sensor II medallion".
> Further information can be found at
> I should get one next week - can't wait to try it!

Its weird because since I'm off for a week, I'm sorting papers and keep
getting distracted by reading the damn things..but I found one that
directly relates to shape power...will transfer and make into a file as
it is most interesting and

Hi Ole!

Thanks for the info! I wondered if those were still being sold and now
ramped up...hmmm, I would like to see some lab reports on the
claims....the best way to test anecdotal recommendations I have found
was to tell people NOTHING about what to expect, then just let them try
it, maybe suggesting various tests but never remotely hinting about the
expectation...then collect the info...

I was going through some papers and found this energy pattern that has
been patented...don't have hit handy but I put it in a pile to be claims to produce some kind of counter magnetic field that
will counteract geopathic zones...the paper I have shows magnetic field
patterns before and after use of this pattern....its the coolest thing
to show before and after proof like that, though it would be better if
they mapped multiple sites and compared....the effective reduction of
spikes went from 16% down to 9% just from the pattern...the guy was
working with a magnetic flux program and got to thinking how familiar
the pattern looked, when he tested it there was an effect...I plan to
send it to Dan Davidson too as it is a great addition to shape
power...thanks again for the URL..

I'll scan in that image of the geopathic zone suppressor and patent in
case someone wants to experiment with it.

Oh, and I see the Paper Doctor site has been snuffed...geez, and I
didn't capture any of that....I should have asked Dan to copy all that
over to the server or at least until it could be zipped up for free
download...maybe someone got the entire thing...seeya!

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187