Re: Article - Gravitys Equal Pull

Warren York ( )
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 06:31:29 -0500 wrote:
> Warren,
> The push pull gravity does go with the GUT theory. I'm sure of it. How I
> understand the push pull of gravity is:
> The pull gravity is the TIME tunnel "wormhole" sucking things in. That's the
> gravity we experience in our universe and world.
> The push gravity is the TIME tunnel "wormhole" Omitting mass or energy like
> that of an "excited electron" that wants to go to its normal state of 918
> paired photons; it sucks photons in "Pull Gravity" then releases it "Push
> Gravity".
> I'm pretty sure I'm making sense.
> Jeremy Lynn Mumme

Hello Jeremy:
Close, off about 90 degrees in principle.

The PUSH: The Push is the force that keeps the two wormholes
(Time Tunnels) apart and from becoming just one composite Time Line
again. It is the walls of the tunnels (photon daisy chain orbiting)
and their motion to each other. Almost like centrifugal force. Remember
they are also in rotation (angular momentum) around the polar axis (now
the electron) which makes them seek about a 45 degree relationship to
each other (the distance of the speed of light forming the Hopf
It is the Strong force as found in the nucleus.

The Pull: The Pull force is the two parallel TIME Flow (Lines or center
of the tunnels) trying to return to one line or ZPEL. It is the Weak
force or what we know as Gravity.

I'm posting this message because of its importance to just what the
Strong and Weak forces are. Warren